Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger … The records are in German. However, the lists from January-June 1853 are missing. Blucher, Hamburg America Line steamship, history and description, built 1902 at Hamburg by Blohm & Voss. 214,000 to Canada, ca. They assumed control of the passenger management of Hamburg-South America Line, German East Africa Line and Hansa Line's Canadian service in 1888. Find resources in our German Research Center. Norwegian Emigrants 1825-1875 Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists . Direct trips between Hamburg and South Africa were relatively rare in the early years. [This booklet was distributed to cabin passengers. Lapshinoff, Steve & Jonathan Kalmakoff. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. Something went wrong. Below you will find a series of passenger lists for ships that left Hamburg during the second half of the 19th Century and early 20th Century to bring Germans to South Africa and to other parts of Africa. Click link below to join the American Historical Society Of Germans From Russia. Search and browse passenger lists of ships leaving Hamburg in Germany on (£). New York Passenger Lists Quick Guide 1820-1962 : Finding New York Immigration Records This webpage lists links to research material for locating New York, New York passenger arrival records from 1820-1962, including online databases and indexes. Hamburg passenger lists are available from 1850-1934. Ship Passenger Lists to Canada Searches. Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). Transfers to other ships occurred mostly in English, French, Belgian, and Dutch ports, and usually had to do with reducing travel costs. 54,000 to Australia, and ca. From 1854-1910, separate lists were maintained for direct passengers and indirect passengers. The Hamburg Passenger lists are a unique source for genealogical research as well as the study of the history of emigration and immigration. In the case that the record you are looking for cannot be found by searching, you may want to begin by browsing the companion database, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934. Note: Use of the data and images in this online database is governed by the terms and conditions of this site. This collection contains records from three NARA publication including M255 (Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1891); M596 (Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1869); and T844 (Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1891-1948). Few such lists have survived and can be found within various collections. Official lists of passengers arriving in South Australia from overseas (GRG 41/34) This series contains official passenger lists of ships arriving in Port Adelaide from overseas, from 1888-1940. This makes them an enormously valuable source for family history research. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. There are some transcriptions of passenger lists that … The passenger's name is included along with various details of passage arrangements, fees, etc. Refine your search for hamburg passenger lists for hamburg passenger lists Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., Book Indexes to Passenger Lists, 1899-1940. There are also no lists for the World War One years (1915-1919). The values you enter in the following two fields must be in German The indexes list all passengers alphabetically by the first letter of the surname for a range of departure dates. Approximately one third of the passengers who departed Hamburg were from Germany, while nearly two thirds came from Eastern Europe, especially in the period from 1880-1914. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. "Direct passengers" were those who arrived at their final destination upon the same ship that they were registered on when they departed Hamburg. The passenger lists in BT27 include long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain and Europe. Sadly, there are not complete sets of passenger lists to Canada before 1865 because of lack of government requirement to keep each ship manifest. The database also includes a partial index, covering the years 1850-1914 (up to the start of WWI) and 1920-1934. Schwensen) 1870 : June 14: departed New York for Hamburg : 1870 : July 6: departed Hamburg, called at Havre July 9, 1870 : July 9: collided with and sank the Norwegian brig … [This booklet was distributed to cabin passengers. Updates: The Port of Hamburg kept a list of outgoing passengers.“ It is estimated that approximately one third of emigrants departing Central and Eastern Europe between 1850 and 1934 departed from Hamburg. Join Today! Hamburg List: The SS Sicilia left Hamburg Germany on its May 1907 voyage to the New York area. SS Rotterdam 1928 Souvenir Passenger List (Rotterdam to NY) - List of Tourist Third Cabin Passengers, Holland-America Line, Twin Screw Cabin Steamer, Rotterdam , from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-Sur-Mer and Southampton, August 22nd 1928. While countries such as Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa and USA feature strongly, all continents are covered and you will find passengers on ships sailing to all parts of Asia, the Caribbean, South America and West Africa, even to remotest oceanic islands such as … Information contained in this database includes: Not all of this information may be available for each individual as not all of the passenger list forms included all of these fields. This database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Hamburg, Germany from 1850-1934 (with a gap from 1915-1919 due to World War I). First note the arrival date, ship's name, volume, page and microfilm reel numbers and then consult Microform Digitization to view the actual page . Lists of passengers on of vessels sailing from Hamburg between 1850 and 1934 survive in the Hamburg State Archive [Staatsarchiv], Bestand Auswandereramt. Passenger lists dating between: 1845-1886 record emigrants selected by the Colonization Commissioners London, whose passage were paid for out of the Emigration Fund. Categories: >> Steamships View cart for details. This database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Hamburg, Germany from 1850-1934 (with a gap from 1915-1919 due to World War I). The lists include approximately 5 million records of individuals, approximately 80% of whom were destined for the United States. New York Passenger Lists Quick Guide 1820-1962 : Finding New York Immigration Records This webpage lists links to research material for locating New York, New York passenger arrival records from 1820-1962, including online databases and indexes. SS Hamburg Passenger Lists. The five vessels of the Eagle Line were purchased when that company collapsed and, about 1890, they took over the Hansa Line. Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 (partial) While most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed, a few from 1920-1939 have survived. From 1850-1854 the lists consisted merely of a roughly alphabetical registration, sometimes even with abbreviated first names, later including more detailed information. Hamburg, Germany and Le Havre, France to New York 25 December 1888 DISTRICT OF NEW YORK - PORT OF NEW YORK I, H. Barends Master of the German Steamer Moravia do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the Passengers … The records also include about 750,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia, who sailed at this time from Hamburg to the United States. Many of these souvenir passenger lists have disappeared over the years. 10,000 to Asian countries. Lists of passengers on of vessels sailing from Hamburg between 1850 and 1934 survive in the Hamburg State Archive [Staatsarchiv], Bestand Auswandereramt. Hamburg Passenger Lists 1850-1934 click here to go directly to the site a database of 5 million people (Russian, German, Jewish, Austrian) who emigrated via Hamburg, Germany from 1850 to 1934; 80% of whom were travelling to the United States. 475,000 traveled to South America, ca. The Hamburg passenger lists contain two sections: DIRECT passenger lists (with indexes) show passengers who left Hamburg, Germany, and went directly to their destination without stopping at other European ports. 5.2 What Records are Available National Archives for Passenger Arrivals - This will link you to the National Archives (NARA) catalog of microfilms of Immigration Passenger Lists and the available indexes to these lists. Although most passengers travelled beyond Europe, a significant number sailed to the UK. Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco Covers the years 1820 to 1957 and includes the following: 1820 to 1855: pre Castle Garden 1855 to 1890: Castle Garden 1890 to 1891: Barge Office Includes a link to the online Hamburg passenger lists database. How Do I Find a Name that is not Indexed? This database contains handwritten indexes to the passenger lists of ships departing from Hamburg, Germany. for Kunhardt & Co. (Capt. To browse this image set, select from the options below. Hamburg Passenger Lists 1911-1923. Included in this database are book indexes to passengers arriving by ship in Boston, Massachusetts between 1899 and 1940. Hamburg passenger lists 1850-1934. SS Rotterdam 1928 Souvenir Passenger List (Rotterdam to NY) - List of Tourist Third Cabin Passengers, Holland-America Line, Twin Screw Cabin Steamer, Rotterdam , from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-Sur-Mer and Southampton, August 22nd 1928. Support This Site - The Future of Our Past, Digitized Passenger ListsDe Grasse to Kungsholm, Improve Your Family History Through Illustrations, Medical & Mental Inspection of Immigrants. Join Today! These passengers may have had stopovers in other ports on their way to their final destination, but they remained on the same ship. Image Gallery . The Customs Department required masters of incoming ships to prepare and forward passenger lists to the Department. June 9: arrived New York from Hamburg with 768 passengers and mdse. Any use of these records not specifically permitted in the terms and conditions requires the permission of the Hamburg State Archive. These have been transcribed by a Bremen genealogical society called Die Maus. The Hamburg passenger lists contain the names of millions of Europeans who departed Europe from Hamburg, Germany between 1850 and 1934 (except 1915–1919). Information contained in the index includes given name, surname, age, gender, arrival date, port of arrival, port of departure and ship name. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. Index and images of passenger arrivals in Baltimore, Maryland. Note 2: The first 9 volumes only indexed passenger lists of ships that contained at least 80% German passengers. Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. If you have … These microfilm records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) include indexes, passenger lists, crew lists and other records for the U.S. ports listed below. Artemisia London to Australia 1848 (account of sailing, no passenger list) Women to Australia 1848-50 (off-site) Immigrants to South Australia, (UK, assisted passage) 1847-1886 (283 passenger lists to date) project with Robert Janmaat, started Sept. 2003 . Among these were approximately 1.2 million people from Russia, Austria-Hungary, Romania, and other countries of southeastern Europe. The database includes images of the passenger lists digitized from microfilm in partnership with the Hamburg State Archive, available here for the first time online. By searching for a surname, you will find the name of the ship(s) on which that surname was listed. The Ships Nearly one-third of Germans, and 90 percent of the people who emigrated from eastern Europe (Russia, Poland, Austria-Hungary, Romania) during this time are included on these lists. Twentieth century lists include even more details and can give the town or county of origin, as well as the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. 1888-1940 are the official passenger lists for people arriving in Port Adelaide from overseas. This index is complete for the years it covers. Most of the lists include the last place of residence and often the place of birth as well. From 1870 to 1892, one third or more of the passengers traveled via the indirect route, but later this declined to about 4%. The database includes images of the passenger lists digitized from microfilm in partnership with the Hamburg State Archive, available here for the first time online. Then you can return to this database and browse to the images by selecting the year of departure, then selecting the particular volume (Band) that covers the date range when your ancestor sailed, then browsing to the image that matches the departure date or page number found in the handwritten index. For passengers traveling on HAPAG ships via Hamburg the Norwegian Emigration Protocols will only give the name of the ship that brought the emigrants from Norway to Hamburg. All Digitized Passenger Lists For the SS Hamburg Available at the GG Archives. The values you enter in the following two fields must be in German Passenger lists are available for the following range of … 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. There are no comprehensive nominal lists of immigrants arriving in Canada before 1865. The index was created by the Hamburg State Archive, using the original lists in their collection, as part of an ongoing project begun in 1999. Hamburg Passenger Lists 1850-1934 click here to go directly to the site a database of 5 million people (Russian, German, Jewish, Austrian) who emigrated via Hamburg, Germany from 1850 to 1934; 80% of whom were travelling to the United States. The passenger lists show the name of the ship, its destination, and the date it left port. SS Hamburg was a German ocean liner owned by the Hamburg America Line, built by the Blohm & Voss of Hamburg, Germany and launched in 1925.She had a sister ship, SS New York.They were similar to the SS Albert Ballin.. During World War II, the ship became a naval accommodation ship for the Kriegsmarine in 1940 and served with the 7th U-boat Flotilla in Kiel. Your FREE genealogy starting point with more than 337,000 genealogy links, categorized & cross-referenced, in more than 200 categories. During past years these steamships have maintained a regular fast weekly express service between New York, Southampton, and Hamburg, and lately between New York, Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg, taking passengers to London within 7 days, while the actual average ocean passage is reduced to a little more than 6 days. From 1911 onward, the direct and indirect passengers were no longer recorded in separate lists. 11 Jun 2019: Added 568,928 new records. The passenger lists from 1925 to 1935 have all been digitized and are now available online. In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists. Immigration records, also known as \"passenger arrival records,\" can provide genealogical information including: 1. a person's nationality, place of birth 2. ship name and date of entry to the United States 3. age, height, eye and hair color 4. profession 5. place of last residence 6. name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. 7. amount of money they are carrying, etc.It can be useful to research other genealogy sources to aid your search for passenger arrival recor… Passenger lists. Doukhobor Ship Passenger Lists, 1898-1928 (Crescent Valley: self-published, 2001). Then use the Index to Doukhobor Ship Passenger Lists (this page) to locate the original ship passenger lists. Currently there are no records for the year 1901. To find a passenger in the index, first choose the appropriate year range from the browse table below in which your ancestor departed from Hamburg. "Indirect passengers" were those who were registered on one ship in Hamburg, but transferred to another ship before reaching their final destination. Birth date (or estimated birth year if birth date is not available), Source information (page, line, microfilm roll, and series numbers). Many of these items may be used to search the index for the years 1850-1934, using the search template above. Unless otherwise noted, the source for the information on this page are the passenger list images available on-line (to paid subscribers) at Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. SS Hamburg was a German ocean liner owned by the Hamburg America Line, built by the Blohm & Voss of Hamburg, Germany and launched in 1925.She had a sister ship, SS New York.They were similar to the SS Albert Ballin.. During World War II, the ship became a naval accommodation ship for the Kriegsmarine in 1940 and served with the 7th U-boat Flotilla in Kiel. 100,000 to Africa, ca. Click link below to join the American Historical Society Of Germans From Russia. Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934. Images . Until 1910, separate lists were kept for direct passengers and indirect passengers. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. If you already know the departure date you can browse directly to it from here. Ship Passenger Lists: 1820-1850 Emigration and Ship Passenger Lists Soufflenheim - Emigration. Beginning with Volume 10 this was changed: "In the 1850-1855 volumes, these lists contain a minimum of 80 percent German surnames and are published in their entirety. Passenger Lists from 1911-1923 available from the GG Archives from the Port of Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg Passenger Lists 1850-1934 Online at Ancestry (requires payment) The years 1850-1914 and 1920-1926 have been indexed so far. .ongoing to completion Using the handwritten indexes, you can look up the name of your ancestor alphabetically by year and find the departure date or page number of the passenger list. These handwritten indexes can assist you in finding your ancestor in the original passenger lists for the years 1855-1934, and are especially helpful for locating records for those years that have not yet been electronically indexed. The indexing project is mainly financed by the "Hauptfürsorgestelle", an institution of the City of Hamburg that supports training programs for handicapped persons. All Digitized Passenger Lists For the SS Hamburg Available at the GG Archives. To make the most of these records it will be helpful to have an idea of where the person was coming from and when they arrived. Ca. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of New York from 1820-1957. Not all lists have survived. The Hamburg Passenger Lists are also available in the Ballinstadt Emigration Museum in Hamburg. They are arranged chronologically by the ship arrival date and then alphabetically by surname and class. By surname and Class is an index to the United States approximately %. Among these were approximately 1.2 million people from Russia emigration and immigration use of the ship arrival date then! Online Hamburg passenger lists show the name of the surname for a range of departure dates some of... Including more detailed information is governed by the ship, its destination, but they remained on the ship... 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