We have plenty available in Southern Ontario, Canada and I am right now eating some with my lettuce salad. These edible weeds sites are great! Answer: A source I looked at says that there is 18.9 mg of phosphorus in a 1 cup serving of purslane. I'm used to just breaking a piece off and eating it, and at the end of last summer, it was tasting real sweet and had a different texture. You might be able to contact Lowe's and find out the actual binomial (Latin) name of the purslane they are selling. (I avoid putting images of other plants on my weed pages, because I wouldn't want a picture of spurge to show up in a Google search for purslane.). Cynthia Sylvestermouse from United States on September 20, 2009: I think identifying it would be the hardest part for me. The flavor is mild to sweet and slightly acidic. The minute you look at purslane, you can tell that it wants you to eat it. Thanks for the info! Winter Purslane (Claytonia perfoliata), or Miner’s Lettuce, is not a member of the Portulaca genome, but we’ve included it here because it is edible and highly nutritious. The leaves are thick and fleshy, arranged alternately on the stem, and low and spreading along the ground. Usually purslane and spurge grow near to one another which makes it easier to identify for the first time. "This food is very low in cholesterol." I would hate to make my whole family sick. Calandrinia is a large genus of flowering plants known as purslanes and redmaids.It includes over 100 species of annual and perennial herbs which bear colorful flowers in shades of red to purple and white. we cook it with dhall or lentils. Then Lisa offered to bring me a salad which had purslane leaves in it. There is a nutritional information page on purslane at NutritionData.com. Thanks so much. There is a huge difference between not liking the taste of something and considering something not edible. I also just discovered that purslane is call khorfeh in Iran, and is featured in Persian dishes. Once you have identified it, it becomes as simple as telling a head of lettuce from a head of cabbage. Wow - tasty too. I'll make you a deal you can have all you can pull out of my vegetable and flowers gardens for free and I'll throw in free cucumbers and tomatoes as well! But I'm keeping busy with other lenses, and you did a great job with this. Purslane is larger, has a thicker stem, larger leaves and has no white sap. 100 Pink Purslane Seeds. All in all, edible purslane is a very healthy plant to add to your diet. It has several times the concentration of ALA than is found in spinach. I was going to do a lens on this. Partridge-berry fruits (Mitchella repens) Joan Hall (author) from Los Angeles on June 29, 2010: I've found lots of wood sorrell growing near my yard after looking at that site of yours, and now I'm on the hunt for purslane. And reader Wafeek informs us that purslane is used in a Lebanese dish called fatoosh. Between April and July the 5 pale pink to white split petalled flowers will help confirm identification, nodding above … It's known to cleanse liver and I myself use the dried and powdered leaf and stem in yogurt to accompany dinner whenever I remember. The flower stem leaves grow in opposite pairs with no stem looking almost perfoliate. All content and photography © 2021 Wild Food UK. This is an awesome plant for pots or hanging baskets. Oleracea is also Latin and means "kitchen vegetable. Winter Purslane has small pink or white flowers with five petals and succulent, lilly-pad shaped leaves. A succulent and tasty plant with an almost beetroot like earthy flavour that can be found throughout the year, it flowers from April to July. It has a slightly sweet and sour flavor and a chewy texture. The leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the purslane plant are all edible, but I've only eaten the stems and leaves myself. Hello, Green Deane, portulaca pilosa is edible. It is believed that the Ancient Egyptians ate Purslane 1000's of years ago in salads, in SYRIA it is called Bakleh and is used in Fattoush and salad .It can be added as it is to yougort . Pink purslane. It is also antibacterial, antiscorbutic, depurative, diuretic and febrifuge. No need to bury the seeds. I love the idea of urban foraging and have heard a lot about how great purslane is. Is it edible? The leaves have a … Leaves are usually 1 inch long, and rounded with a slight point at the end. I was so amazed! It is commonly eaten fresh, cooked, or in soups and stews. The basal leaves have long stems and are a bit spoon shaped. Drought tolerant. Joan lives in Los Angeles, where she has an enduring love affair with edible weeds. It's a sturdy one, growing in huge patches at the edges of yards and sidewalks, a treasure to urban foragers. Purslane readily reseeds itself. Someone wants to eat this?! It is actually pink “purslane”. It's not native to North America, and so is generally considered to be an invasive weed. smaller leaves. The whole plant is edible but the spoon shaped basal leaves are the sweetest especially in Winter or Spring. Prostrate spurge (Euphorbia maculata) is another weed that somewhat resembles purslane, but it's toxic—it won't kill you, but it can make you ill. Spurge has a similar growing pattern (low on the ground). This article will provide purslane facts and recipes to bolster your appreciation of this virtuous wild plant. Your email address will not be published. Try it simply sautéed (say, with garlic or shallot), or in a stir-fry. Damp woodland usually fairly close to water. Question: Can the purslane flowers be a deep pink? But the leaves are thinner and smaller, and sometimes they have a spot of reddish coloring at the center of the leaf. In fact, purslane is loaded with all sorts of nutrients, including omega-3 … Purslane is terrific as part of a salad. I eat purslane. Are you kidding me? Tasty and yummy! Purslane grows so readily it's considered a weed in some parts of the USA. Take a look at the pictures below for visual cues. The petals have pink to purple veins and if the petal is really closely examined each has a yellowish spot towards the base. Purslane photographed on a sidewalk in Lynwood. The seeds are used as decoration in berenji, which is an iranian sweet/biscuit. Purslane is not only a popular, colorful selection for the garden, but it also is an herb with healthy nutritious qualities used in salads and other foods. Answer: There are some herbal guides that say purslane has soporific qualities. In Spanish, purslane is called verdolaga, and I saw several Mexican recipes that used it as an ingredient. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) You might spot purslane in your favorite seed catalogs, but it can also be a weed. Here’s just a few of the health benefits of purslane: Seven times the beta-carotene of carrots Six times more vitamin E than spinach It does not wilt, even in the height of summer, and blooms continuously with hot pink flowers from first planting until heavy frost. Portulaca is Latin, coming from portula, which means "gate," in reference to the gate-like covering of the seed capsule. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Though I've never tried it cooked, they say that the mucilaginous quality becomes more pronounced when it is cooked. Purslane is terrific as part of a salad. My aunt just re introduce this plant to us as she had been eating and saw many benefits from it. Barbara Radisavljevic from Templeton, CA on September 27, 2009: Ah, you beat me to it. The stem of the spurge oozes a milky white sap. Like many other weeds, purslane is not only edible but also far more nutritious than many of the crops that we plant! All summer long my friends were talking about purslane... and I didn't know what it was. Some recommended it for skin problems, similar to the use of aloe vera. I would think that if they say it is related, that means that it is not actual portulaca. Very Broadly ovate rather like an ace of spades. This article will help you identify purslane and will also provide some recipes for how best to cook this edible wild plant. The leaves taste like more like lettuce and the stem is a bit tangy. Now I'm looking forward to finding purslane in my own garden next year. Nutritionally purslane contains omega-3 fatty acids, iron, vitamin C, several B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and high levels of vitamin A compared to other leafy greens. Leaves are usually 1 inch long, and rounded with a slight point at the end. Great article and I especially like the spurge that you've pointed out! Blessed! Purslane is a very common ingredient in Lebanese cuisine other than fatoush a national salad it is used with many other summer salads, us Lebanese also make pours,and pies instead of spinach we use purslane, add sumac and onions, it is very tasty and healthy. So throw away those fish oil capsules and grow your own Omega-3 fatty acids! It's tasty, versatile, highly nutritious, easy to find, grows everywhere and is relatively easy to identify. The bees went crazy and gave me a single bloom with two white petals and three pink ones. Dark green with a glossy surface. I'm sure that "rejleh" is a regional name for purslane, or portulaca. Very … It is beleived to be very healthy especialy for stomack. It grows almost anywhere because it can tolerate poor soil conditions. Another possible confusion (without their flowers) could be Red Campion. ", The Spanish name for purslane is verdolaga, while another English name for it is "pigweed.". That said, it’s delicious. Can't find much around here, but I can order seeds. Alisha Vargas from Reno, Nevada on September 21, 2009: I need to start paying more attention to weeds, I'm sure I've seen this one before. Edibility – 4/5 – A delicious, mild, succulent green leaf with an earthy beetroot flavour. My mom would add tomatoes, red onions, and vinegar, transforming the peppery weed into a flavorful salad. I put purslane seeds in my balcony containers and have been surprised (and annoyed) at how well it has thrived. However, it does not have the rounded leaf lobes that Pink Purslane has. Just sprinkle on the soil surface and keep moist. Henry David Thoreau talks about having purslane for dinner in. Common Name: Pink purslane Genus: Claytonia ... As with other members of the purslane family, the plant has edible leaves which can be eaten throughout the year. Well, no. Question: I bought purslane at Lowe’s and it has pink, red, and salmon colored flowers. The plants stay thick in the center of the pot and gradually spread tendrils over the sides. Ornamental purslane is wonderful in hanging baskets, spilling over the sides. Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Bittercress. between spurge and purslane. This is not the hybrid purslane that you find in garden centers with the neon orange, red, pink and yellow flowers. Great lens! Today, there’s some evidence that it can help to reduce uterine bleeding. Succulent and earthy, almost beetroot like. I DO have this in my garden!! Spurge bleeds a white, latex sap but purslane's sap is clear if it even is seen. People might also confuse it with Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine), though I would think they wouldn't try to eat that, or Chamaesyce spp., which is where they seem to have moved Euphorbia maculata in some places. Purslane is best known as a weed. One of the things everybody talks about is the fact that purslane has more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy plant known on earth. Answer: There is a weed called pink purslane that is edible. You say don't pick my grand aunt eat this for years and she never been, to a hospital in her life purslane it good to eat. Answer: I googled "purslane at Lowe's", and the first entry I saw on the Lowe's website said that their purslane is "related to portulaca". Growing Purslane. purslane is eaten in fatoosh and salad in Lebanon, it is a very common herb in Lebanon. The binomial name for purslane is Portulaca oleracea. This plant contains no cholesterol. I love it in salads. Fantastic lens! The hardest part about growing purslane is finding it. great information for shore, i will be harvesting these from my garden, thank you! Purslane is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. After moving to the US I missed purslane so much, I couldn't find the seeds anywhere which eventually I found online and ordered the seeds from the UK, I planted them in planters. Although purslane is referred to as a weed, this succulent broadleaf plant has many health benefits. Please note that each and every hedgerow item you come across may vary in appearance to these photos. For a whole host of additional purslane recipes—including pickled purslane and verdolago con queso—check out this horticulture page at Texas A&M University. Leaves, stems and flowers. Pink purslane (Portulaca pilosa) is a summer annual weed that can reach 8 inches in height.The leaves are thick and fleshy, arranged alternately on the stem, and low and spreading along the ground. if you break a stem it leaks white sap. Plants of this genus are native to Australia, western South America, Central America, and … Stephanie Tietjen from Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 22, 2012: It was growing in my yard and I transplanted it to pots. But some research suggests that the American Indians were eating it before they made contact with Europeans. Bittercress edible parts/uses: The leaves, flowers, and … That was my favorite purslane summer of all. Portulaca is a genus of the flowering plant family Portulacaceae, comprising about 40-100 species found in the tropics and warm temperate regions. The purslane leaves are loaded with juicy and nutritious sap that is highly … Purslane Skin Benefits. Identification – 3/5 – The short (up to 20cm), glossy, veined, rounded, single-stalked leaves are quite distinctive, often forming extensive mats made of many rosettes. Answer: It is generally used as a raw vegetable or a cooked vegetable. Photos of spurge can be seen at Wikimedia Commons. It trails low to the ground so it's an excellent container or ground cover plant. It can be eaten as a cooked vegetable and is great to use in salads, soups, stews or any dish you wish to sprinkle it over. Once you know the Latin name, you can look up the plant that way and find out for certain. Purslane has been touted throughout history for its medicinal qualities. Has pink or sometimes white flowers with five petals each with a shallow groove in the end a little like the flowers of the Stellaria family. I remember loving it like I do swiss chard. Pink purslane (Portulaca pilosa) is a summer annual weed that can reach 8 inches in height. Purslane is a succulent annual trailing plant that grows in many countries because it thrives in poor soil. very delicious. I love this series of yours. Seed should germinate in about a week. Your lens is excellent. Thanks. In Saudi Arabia I grew "rejleh", and relied on it as a sleep aid. The leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the purslane plant are all edible, but I've only eaten the stems and leaves myself. I now have two big planters ready to be cut and eaten. What I was wondering is, the hybrid purslane (Portulaca) with various brightly colored blossoms that one buys from the gardening center--is it also edible? Common Purslane (P. oleracea) is widely considered an edible plant, and in some areas an invasive type of weed. Thanks for the informative video. The stems of the spurge are hairy and the flowers look different. I haven't Seen much of a regular consumption in other parts of the country although it grows all over. Delicious! The Yubi variety is bred for large prolific flowers and while it may be edible I can’t vouch for its taste. Edible Weeds 1. Make wilted purslane salad, with crumbled bacon on top: Make a hot vinaigrette out of the bacon grease, water, vinegar, sugar, and salt, and pour the hot dressing over the purslane, causing it to wilt. A distinctive looking plant with vague similarities to chickweed. If there is white sap, it is not purslane! Answer: There is a plant called pink purslane, but it is a different species than the P. oleracea. Medicinal Uses. I live in Mexico where verdalaga (purslane) is a common food item. If you only partially roast or boil it, it takes on a slimy texture, similar to okra. Purslane (also known as common purslane, verdolaga, red root, pursley or portulaca oleracea) is an edible plant that is packed full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. When I looked it was full of aphids, so I got some extra protein. The flowers are bright pink… Can I eat this one? Question: Is purslane soporific? I have a lot of it in my garden, and it's time to harvest. Funny how life works sometimes! thinner stems. So it is sometimes added as a thickener in soups and stews. I love that you're writing about edible wild plants in your area. Edible Uses: Leaves - raw or cooked [2, 62, 183]. So I would consider it an unknown plant and I would not try to eat it. It is also recommended for stir-frying. All parts of Purslane are edible: leaves, flowers, and stem. Bill from Gold Coast, Australia on December 03, 2011: years ago, back before I was into wild edibles I had purslane growing all over my yard and I used to spray it or pull it out of the cracks in the path. This report from The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health tells in depth about the nutritional benefits of purslane and other wild plants: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Antioxidants in Edible Wild Plants. Purslane, (latin name: Portulaca oleracea), is a wonderful, edible "weed". They have a slightly sour edge (not as strong as wood sorrel) and a hint of a mucilaginous quality (not as strong as mallows). The best treat of all, though, was what grew in cracks around the driveway and near the street: a weed called purslane, or what we knew as perper (pronounced PER-per, rolling the “Rs”). Thanks, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Antioxidants in Edible Wild Plants, Codillo Aquiahuac (Mexican Pork With Purslane), Domatesli Semizotu (Purslane With Tomato). I just found some purslane in my garden! Your email address will not be published. Question: I have a similar plant taking over a large part of my garden, but it has pink flowers. That was one of the best salads I ever had - I think it was mainly purslane and bean sprouts, with a dressing of sesame oil and liquid aminos. Yum, My grandma used to find this and feed it to us. Sundae ;-). purslane is found in indian cooking too. Surge grows closer to the ground and it is just smaller. I hadn't heard that it might be native. They are also known as Purslane, Sun Plant, Rose Moss and Wax Pink. The simplest way to enjoy purslane herbs in food is to eat it fresh and raw, any way you would spinach. Purslane is my favorite summer plant - this edible purslane is an excellent addition to your garden - its fast-growing and provides beautiful color to your garden! Purslane contains a high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), one of the highly sought-after Omega-3 fatty acids. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "abc81c0e77c5fcd01740b0544db94c67" );document.getElementById("f84f880090").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); This tasty little plant is usually found near water. Required fields are marked *. If the food system breaks down, this information could save lives! https://www.wildfooduk.com/edible-wild-plants/pink-purslane Purslane is generally eaten raw, in salads, like the one listed below. The plump leaves and stems give an obvious invitation. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and... Purslane is regarded as a cooling herb and is suggested for help with fevers and inflammatory conditions. The coolest PINK Purslane cuttings youll ever find! I thought it was beautiful and asked what it was but she didn't know other than it is a weed she loves and welcomes in her flower gardens and has even put them in pot arrangements. Question: What is the phosphorus content of purslane? Here in Portugal we eat as well this plant and actually farmers do plantations of it. Plant breeders have outdone themselves with larger 2" blooms, double flowers, and even some new colors. Spurge leaves remain small and flat while purslane leaves become thickly succulent and as large as the first joint of a pinkie finger. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6 and Folate, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.". Linda Jo Martin from Post Falls, Idaho, USA on November 08, 2012: I'm so happy to see this page here! We made a soup from it. Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes Foraging Courses, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon Foraging Courses, Pink Purslane, Winter Purslane, Siberian Spring Beauty. The leaves taste like lettuce and the stem is a little tangy. It reads: "This food is very low in Cholesterol. My best advice when using purslane in your kitchen is to either eat it raw, or cook it completely. Pink purslane is Claytonia sibirica, also known as Siberian purslane, Siberian spring beauty, Siberian miner’s lettuce or candy flower.It flowers later in the spring (from about April) but the leaves are out now as Claytonia sibirica is an evergreen perennial. They usually have a fairly bland flavour and are quite nice in a salad or cooked as a green vegetable. However, give me a guide, as you have, and I am game! These were pancakes from pink purslane not pink pancakes! Now to find out its good to eat, I can't wait to tell her about it. Purslane or khorfe is used in cucumber salad or with other greens as a sidedish , but mostly in the south of iran. The foolproof way to differentiate between the two is by breaking a stem. 21st February 2017. Now I know I saw this growing in my sister's flower garden. The spurge's stem always is a dark red while purslane stems very from green to purple, though are often "earthworm" pink/red. Had I not known portulaca pilosa was pink purslane I would have considered it harmful to eat based on your comment. It is very easy care. This edible herb is high in vitamins A and C, contains traces of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus and has more omega-3 fatty acids than any other plant source. Question: Can purslane be dried and used as powder? Good article. Eastern Spicy-wintergreen fruits (Gaultheria procumbens) Maple tree sap (Acer spp.) When eaten regularly by people with diabetes, an … These purslane cuttings were grown using organic methods in my backyard garden. Interesting Facts Purslane is sometimes known as the Dolly Parton flower because of when it blooms--from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. They have a slightly sour edge (not as strong as wood sorrel) and a hint of a mucilaginous quality (not as strong as mallows). Purslane tends to grow close to the ground in dense patches that spread wide. @Sylvestermouse: It is soo easy to tell the diff. Pink Purslane Pancakes. I've never done it myself, so I don't know how it tastes. I would recommend that you look up some articles on pink purslane to confirm that it is the same plant like the one you have. There is controversy about whether purslane is native to North America or was carried over. Nowadays that I know better, I do not have it growing wild so I had to buy the seeds and plant it. No plant does. However, it is also an edible and highly nutritious vegetable. Question: Can you make tea from Purslane? Answer: Yes, some people do make purslane tea. Whether purslane is verdolaga, and relied on it as an ingredient pink purslane edible would spinach or cook it.!, has a yellowish spot towards the base be a weed in parts... In some parts of the purslane flowers be a weed, this succulent plant... For the first joint of a regular consumption in other parts of the seed capsule of yards and,. Not liking the taste of something and considering something not edible you 're writing about edible wild plants in kitchen! 2, 62, 183 ] rejleh '', and you did a great job with this but also more... Sap is clear if it even is seen in poor soil purslane not pink pancakes been eating and many. Before they made contact with Europeans think that if they say that the American were... 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