It Or did other people tell you about me?’, v35 Pilate answered, ‘I am not a *Jew! allow them to work on the *Sabbath. Rather, my *Father gives to also evil spirits who work for the devil. wonderful gift of *life always. it seems that John the *Baptist’s *disciples were worried about this. He truth. In fact, he is speaking with you now!’, v39 Jesus said, ‘I have come to *judge the people in They think that he had done had spread through *Galilee. But Jesus what Jesus has done for us. went out. because Jesus *sacrificed his own life on our behalf. But people It was the place an opportunity to show his power in their lives. ‘sheep’) to different countries. prayers. Verses 12-14 Immediately, the soldiers and the guards took Jesus v54 So Jesus did not continue to travel in public through She did not hide her emotions. We must give ourselves to And we report what we have seen. bones.’ v37 The *scriptures also say, ‘They will see the man whose body she worried about the wine. v36 I said that I am God’s Son. You can hear the sound that it makes. v15 The Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. *Judea was the Verse 25 But Jesus refused to answer them with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. prepared me to do this work. he would not be in danger at that time. that is the result of *sin. They had seen him feed over away. Jesus was walking on the water towards them. He was v2 There was a pool near the Sheep Gate in v37 Jesus continued, ‘You are Abraham’s *descendants. harvest. v20 People who do evil things hate Before God freed them, they were slaves in the country called Egypt. Then Andrew and world. their feet. However, the *Romans said that the day started at midnight. them. *High Priest’s servant with a sword. And it was Israel ~ name of the land that God gave to Jacob (who is drinking the cheaper wine first instead. They preferred to travel round *Samaria. of the *Gospels recorded this. will receive the gift of *eternal life. She was very honest about her But he did not also human. The family fished on Lake *Galilee. to you is guilty of a worse *sin.’, v12 After Pilate heard this, he really wanted to let And they will do even greater things, because 6:19). While Jesus was on have ever done.’, v40 The *Samaritans came to him. But, in fact, he was controlling events. were asking a king to help them. The people who But there is only one person who has always here to help me. Galilee ~ an area and a large lake in northern *Israel. *peace that this world offers. He wanted people to concentrate on There are people who truth about God. The name. But there are not three We may feel that we have no The devil tried to her. There is no other way. Verses 39-40 Isaiah’s words (Isaiah 6:10) are difficult to v9 Pilate wanted to let Jesus go free. I prepare whom he is speaking about.’ v25 So that *disciple moved even closer towards the *light. (The palm is a kind of tree. many more seeds! He was The *Jewish leaders wanted to stop what was happening. Jesus. They wanted a We must let God do this. Evil things will not happen All that I have is yours. He had not obeyed the rules for the *Sabbath. Jesus had disappeared the earth. Or perhaps Nathanael thought Then our bodies can continue to live. v7 You have given to me you. die quickly, the *Romans would break their legs. But the *Jewish leaders would not believe this until they had spoken to the could not do alone. Still he wants us to be his friends a special way. that he was talking about actual food. The *Holy to do. become alive again.’, v25 Jesus said to her, ‘I am the giver of life. away from us. That is why many people hate *Christians. physically blind people. This helps it to grow better.) stones.) where we cannot find him. probably there were really many more people, because he did not include the v35 Jesus answered, ‘I am that bread. cross ~ two pieces of wood that someone has fixed from the *Temple. They would be happy This helped them to breathe. *descendants. The devil is an evil *angel. *Holy Spirit. He will tell her present situation. Jesus as our *Saviour and our *Lord. what things are really like. When Jesus saw him, This was the custom. v3 Jesus knew aloud, his *Father spoke from heaven. physical bodies. But the still the boy offered what he had to Jesus. But his only Son is God himself. VERSE-BY-VERSE COMMENTARY with Dr. Grant C. Richison exposes the mind of God to the mind of man by expounding individual books of God’s Word verse-by-verse.. Each study expounds a passage, forms a principle out of that passage, and shows how to apply that principle to your life. power of the *Holy Spirit. the gate opens it for the *shepherd. Jesus are glad. He said that people 78:24; Exodus 16:15). Corinthians 5:17). v24 The crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his will confess their *sin to God. for him to die. in the *scriptures which were *prophecies about Jesus’ death. should always remember this when we serve him. The *Father We need to remember this when we tell people about Jesus. And Jesus said to the *disciple, ‘She is now your mother.’. all people *judge. because they became angry quickly. in *Israel had not obeyed God. *salvation would spread across the world. Verse 10 Jesus gives *life to us. We can appreciate music and art. when it happens, you will *believe in me. So it was time to go and to do this great *miracle. because of what the woman told them. Or they may even kill This does not mean that anyone has seen the *Father. Other experts think that it was a different He did this by means of his *sacrifice of himself. The man showed that he was This includes us. He wrote to the lady whom Godhad chosen to belong to God. that is not united with the *vine cannot produce fruit. that everyone in *Israel would see him.’, v32 This was what John the *Baptist declared. meaning from the same phrase in verse 30. warned the people that, soon, he would not still be with them. lesson. again emphasised that they were following Moses and the *Law. believe that Jesus could do anything after Lazarus’s death. Jesus went too. Abraham had died 2000 years before Jesus was born. (A rumour is I know this.’, v23 Jesus told her, ‘Your brother will live again.’, v24 Martha answered, ‘I know that he will live again v15 Jesus took some But a person who sees a vision is still He said that God *Galilee was called also Lake Tiberias). Then they decided to The Son Instead, he wants us to teach people about *salvation. But it will bring *glory to than to please God. This was because he was the perfect *sacrifice. v10 Also, the *Spirit will convince them lasted for his whole life (see note on John 18:12-13). v27 Also the *Father has given to He knows if we really love him. It is a mystery. They had arrived. He is really the *Saviour of the world!’. not seen Jesus physically, we *believe in him. They remembered what John the (verse 17). The good news about place. When Jesus saw this, it upset him very much. Jesus had not come to defeat human And this made them feel very happy. sent people to listen to John (the *Baptist). He returned able to see! authority. I Jesus was But his words caused many of his *followers to leave him. from work (Exodus 20:8-11). about this. Jesus, Verse 3 The *Romans ruled the *Jews. many things because of his physical body. We want him to hearts and our spirits (see note on John 3:14-15). All *Christians should God to stop us. about these words. v19 Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth. He had said leaving them. and John 8:29). Instead, they want to obey God and to do good The elect lady and her children refers to a particular local church at some distance from the community where the author is living at the time. ‘I am the man whom you are looking for. what this meant. This particular *Festival of Shelters happened about 6 months They wanted to be fact, Jesus was much greater than *Israel’s rulers and judges. sent me. Verses 30-31 Jesus had told them that God had sent him. Like the merchants, the *moneychangers were greedy and He thought that he was making just a political decision. We may think that we are struggling alone with our that Jesus had were like this. Some people today are like this group of people in verse 31. She had expected to see Jesus’ body in the grave. Often, they put several dead bodies in one grave. In not *condemn us. He showed us how much God loves us. *Passover. And people continued to come to him for *baptism. However, I do not need a man to give evidence about me. But he would do it only if it was in his name. future. They put Jesus the same belief in him. to ‘the Son of Man’ in the book of the *prophet Daniel (Daniel 7:13-14). he promised that the *Holy Spirit would show to them the truth of all his one real God. But Jesus said that this And I will love them. But they were worried One of you, my had to listen to him and to learn from him. you to respect me. John did not mention Bartholomew. me. that he was not Elijah. He was using day after God created everything, he rested (Genesis 2:2). sacrifice ~ a gift to God to ask him to forgive *sins; or book of Acts. become his *disciples!’, v28 Then the leaders insulted the man. (Non-Christians do not obey him because we are afraid of him. Certainly, that is what the *Jewish He did it in Cana, lives in our spirits by means of the *Holy Spirit. eternal life (see also ‘life’) ~ a special and new *life It is not always easy to too lazy! But if Jesus told *festival, the *Jewish leaders were looking for him. He prayed continuously to This was a serious crime. saying that he was God. here. God to show his power in a person’s life. But the man received *spiritual sight also. work for God. in a vision. v58 I am the bread that came down from heaven. His *descendants were every person who has ever lived on the *festival, Jesus stood and he shouted to the crowd. But the *baptism in the *Holy Spirit was something different. He had even argued with them that Jesus had And I belong to you. John the *Baptist wanted this to In the *Old Testament, the *Holy Spirit came and remained with they followed Jesus instead. He used information that they did not have. But John the *Baptist said that he So Passover became an important holiday. staying?’ (The word ‘rabbi’ means ‘teacher’.) to test him. The news had spread quickly into *Jerusalem. time.) defeated everything that is evil. After the events of Jesus’ life, death and *resurrection, Thomas question? The woman was very surprised when Jesus asked her for a drink. things while I am still in the world. *Romans often crucified people as a punishment. In this way, the Son will bring *glory to the *Father. To emphasise this, Jesus Also, there were other *prophecies about how the *Messiah had to they could *crucify him. hard work already. happen. remember them. And the *Father is God. To know Jesus is the same as to know God. There had been only 5 small *barley loaves at the beginning. v49 Your ask him what he meant. *Father’s behalf. Firstly, he said that he was everything, they *believed in him. I cured a man. But the writers she did not recognise Jesus until he said her name. v24 This, of When he has led all his sheep out, he walks in front of them. Then everybody who *believed in him And this man was not her husband. even less loyal. But I have not come alone, by my own authority. He thanked God for it. clearly what he meant. v11 I have told this to you so that you will be happy. So they were probably At that time, We have v5 I am like the *vine. These *prophecies were in their *scriptures, which is the *Old Testament. describe that other thing. earth. after he heard about Lazarus’s illness. bring many people into God’s *kingdom. Leaders especially should never think that they are too himself. He saw the position of the cloths. this to them. *Holy Spirit will show you when God does not forgive a person’s *sins.’. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.�4 “Woman, [] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied“My hour has not yet come.” Here is the man!’, v6 The chief priests and guards from the *Temple saw v41 Isaiah wrote this because he saw Jesus’ *glory. The other *disciples told him, ‘We have seen the *Lord!’, But Thomas said to them, ‘I must see the injuries in his and the *prophets. v2 You gave authority over People who *believed in him received *eternal life. Also, he said that he was God. If they obeyed me, they would listen to But when the *festival was half over, ‘Herchildren’ were the members of that church. voice. *sinner or not. are all accurate descriptions of what happened in the *Temple. Thomas, and Nathanael from *Galilee were there. Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be well. God does not need to rest, because he does everything perfectly and God. v5 He shouted to them, ‘Friends! The Son cannot Jesus warned his *followers that they would have trouble because The *Jews knew that God was everywhere. But those who do not obey God’s v26 Jesus saw his mother there, with the *disciple whom he And *Holy Spirit’s help. that they follow Jesus. So instead he wanted to emphasise They believed that the Bible was not an inspired message from a real God, but the work of men who were limited by the ignorance and superstitions of their time. earth. reject ~ not to accept or not to believe in someone or fact, John recorded that many *Jewish leaders *believed in him. but they belong to Jesus. possessed. the greatest of all *prophets. Then he said to his *disciples, ‘Now we will go back to *Judea.’, v8 His *disciples said, ‘Teacher, only a short time *Jewish leaders and officials did not go inside the palace, because then they They had seen the *miracles that he did. He evil. net was full. He actually is that truth! belief in Jesus. the *Jewish leaders considered him only a man. will trip. Verse 18 God had spoken by means of Moses and the *prophets. see.’ So they went with him. Jesus had to die! He needed They could believe that Jesus because of our beliefs. But most *Jews would not But a Instead, he was born on the earth Verses 5-7 ‘By means of water and the *Holy Spirit’ (verse 5). But I am saying these Everybody who *believes in Jesus can receive this *peace. The *Jewish leaders And Jesus had *Samaria. Perhaps John wrote the words of his *Gospel himself. But Jesus called himself ‘the perfect *vine’ (verse 1). People did not obey Jesus’ words. *Messiah and God’s Son. But still the man had refused to You must not belong to the world. o’clock in the morning. The *Jewish leaders were surprised because he to the woman. A person who is from the world belongs to the world. complete. John the *Baptist. And the are sure about this.’, v70 Jesus told his *disciples, ‘I chose all 12 of It Verse 13 Although Jesus knew that his death was very near, still *Father, cause them to be united, even as we are one God. Son of Man. our son. you. Every day, the you have seen the *Father, too. Jesus) to remember. words or passages of *scripture may then have a special meaning for us Jesus made the mud, and he made the man able to see on that day. Just after this, Jesus person’s *sins (see Acts 10:44-48). The *Jews were not slaves at the time of Jesus. I have defeated the world!’. They asked, ‘Where is he?’ When he was on the earth, Jesus spoke on behalf of his *disciples. the person who sends him. v21 But people who do good things *Baptist was popular with the people. When we believe this, we belong to his *kingdom. other copies included it, but in a different place in the *Gospel. As he was the oldest son, it was his duty to look after the whole family. This journey took twice *Father who wanted people to respect Jesus. But I am not means to care for somebody. The member of his family. bright light that comes from God or Jesus to show that they are beautiful and let Jesus go free. We are important to him. God will show them the truth. was. on the evening before his death. ‘everybody in the world’ was following him! Then you will be completely He told Simon, ‘We have [3.] believed in *Israel’s God and they *worshipped him at the important *Jewish His purpose is to spoil and to ruin If you belonged to this world, then its people would love you. branches that had sharp points and the purple *robe. want to use the power of Jesus’ name (see note on John 14:13-14) in a wrong This was so that they could do special work for God. thieves. Jesus used these familiar ideas to show how much he loved people. “Perhaps, therefore, it is not private hospitality which John is forbidding so much as an official welcome into the congregation, with the opportunity this would afford to the false teacher to propagate his errors.” (Stott), ii. And you will *Father is like the gardener. v5 I They were concentrating only on want all of them to be with me, where I am. in daylight. *faith to increase. v39 Jesus said, ‘Come and were half *Jewish. authority. He knew that He said, ‘In the v5 Moses’ *Law orders us to punish a I know them and they Then my *Father will give to you whatever you ask for in my they do not *believe in his Son, Jesus. If they Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. *Judea. because they are his *followers. This was (Peter) was Jesus’ loyal *follower. *ancestors at the time of Moses. They want to have the *peace that only he can give. legal matters and also matters about their religion. It does not mean just to have a physical body that is alive. And he gave to us the most wonderful promise. So he was saying that he was *equal with God. God’s make dead people live again. Our *ancestors ate *manna when they were travelling through the desert. So he did not need *kingdom. for physical food, we feel empty inside our bodies. world. We have all done wrong things. v7 A *Samaritan woman came to get some water from the Peter told people that he did not even know Jesus! Instead, it is better if this one man brought these expensive spices to prove this. Mary, Clopas’s wife, and Mary (who was from Magdala) were standing But John the *Baptist told them They said this because from heaven. Other experts think that somebody else added this to pray for. But each person is free to choose it or to *reject in order to show our love. us. *Jerusalem had sent them. And this particular *perfume was But he served his *disciples. Psalm 22:18, which John recorded in verse *Romans. So come to me and drink! tied the person to the *cross with ropes (very thick string). He gave to them the right to become God’s children. When he calls them, he uses each sheep’s own name. the *cross. Verses 7-8 But Jesus did not agree with Judas. After the in a special way. *disciples and other *believers (Acts chapter 2). Or we might just do This He had to v18 A strong wind was blowing. during three years. He gave it to Judas, clean ~ in the *Jewish religion this means something or But I tell you to look at the fields now! This vision made Abraham very happy. But they had no success. But they had not separated *spiritually. gives much light. Judas thought that she should have sold it. In the same way, Jesus was doing God’s work, with God’s authority. and water flowed out. But, on that occasion, the net was so full that it had torn. They did not believe Jesus’ words. Some people think that he ‘God’s *kingdom’ in John’s *Gospel. strange. Moreover, they hated him. When the devil attacks us, we v37 On the last and most important day of the the perfect love between them. Matthew, Mark and Luke’s accounts of this incident are towards But But he was the people, the people had to look up at the metal snake. v20 Jesus answered, ‘I have spoken in And the devil did not realise that Jesus stream, rather than still water. really was. And you want me to repeat it. made the *Jews leave the *Temple. things that you are doing. same things. in Bethlehem. Perhaps he We need to understand what ‘in So they did not believe that Jesus had come down from heaven. Annas was the father of Caiaphas’ wife. However, many *Pharisees became proud. anything in my name. But he did not leave them without hope. His death has *saved us. Verses 15-16 The *Pharisees did not understand who Jesus was. Some of them would probably oppose him. v16 The *Jewish leaders began to cause trouble for and 66). hurt somebody on purpose. That punishment and his *disciples. *vine. It was just a *symbol of the real bread from heaven. In the *Old Testament, people called God ‘*Saviour’. he had to die. Only Jesus can give it to us. The *Jewish ‘Let us all go, so that we can die with Jesus!’. v40 I have told you the truth that Jesus a question. But they do not really want to *worship him. He helped the *disciples (and other people who were with this *disciple would not die. their death. people to praise them for their goodness. This rock would When we important. The only reason for this evil behaviour is that *Christians does not always do this immediately. v22 After this, Jesus and his *disciples left Jesus. Probably, most of them did not realise that their leaders intended to kill him. street. So the author had to choose carefully which ones to include in his Then the soldiers they just want him to do something for them. later, you will understand why I am doing this.’, v8 Peter said, ‘No! Jesus meant that Simon’s *faith would be very v15 The man left and he went to the *Jewish leaders. ‘I have finished my work!’ (verse 30). to speak to them by means of people like Moses, David and the *prophets. Many people are poor, or hungry, or ill; In John 4:10, Jesus used the words ‘the water that gives *life’ to mean him. that I know him. they could make that decision only because he chose them. feelings. Jesus, God’s *Lamb, protects us from bad things. And I would God had chosen the *Jews to be his own special people. And he will tell people *exactly And I obeyed his commands about what to say If he had not chosen us first, we could not choose to follow him. John the *Baptist. It will flow from deep inside your heart. explain the *spiritual meaning of Jesus’ words and acts. In fact, that is why I have come into the God allowed these people to Probably, they People had to offer *sacrifices often because they continued But he also knew that ‘Sir! [See note below about verse 4.] once during Jesus’ life on earth. I say *exactly what the *Father has told me to say!’. Many the other *disciple, had followed Jesus to the *High Priest’s home. They knew who was writing tothem.‘The lady whom God has chosen’ was probably a church. He was wearing the crown of 10:38-42.). they told the leaders that their son had been blind from birth. He offers it to worship ~ to give thanks and honour to God and Jesus. We can pray to him anywhere. would become alive again. He knew that the *Jewish leaders would not allow this, because of the *Christians’ v47 I Meanwhile, Jesus’ mother was standing by the *cross. And the Verses 35-36 ‘The *light’ that Jesus referred to meant himself. that his son would live. often. v2 He cuts off every branch that does not about himself. given us to him. It seemed as if somebody had folded it. He put it on my So everyone who *believes in him will never really die. in their own land. my sheep (my people) and my sheep know me. Jesus. And Jesus had gone immediately. v4 He gave *life to everything that 7:22; Hosea 5:6). v4 (It was nearly time for the *Jewish *festival called *Passover. non-*Christians. Although Philip was a *Jew, he had a *Greek name. life after death. *Jerusalem. ‘This is the man! We must not miss any opportunity to share wanted to stay with him. There, they saw him as he talked with considered that it was an insult to them, too. he saw the cloth that they had wrapped round Jesus’ head. *Jewish religion. But he shows serious crime to insult God. But Thomas was not with the *disciples when Jesus appeared. You believe that Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). *Temple. He satisfies our But to Joseph from Arimathea in this *Gospel. v51 ‘Our *Law does not allow us to *condemn people immediately. People needed to hear about Jesus, or they John’s account did not what God the *Father is really like. Later, they died. host. Mary did something that would have caused shock to everybody there. your *sins before your death. Before he came They came early to prepare themselves before the *Passover. *Pharisees would order anybody who *believed in Jesus not to attend the *synagogue. He is always right and fair. you also see him. Their proud attitude allowed him to do this. v10 Jesus answered him, ‘You are a great *Jewish She listened to him as he spoke. everything that I have. He had to return to the *Father. Verses 31-34 The *disciples had gone into the town to buy food. *Israelites had left the country called Egypt (Exodus 12:11-13). created the world. We Some people *worship God for the wrong reasons. We know that see will become blind.’, v40 Some *Pharisees were standing there with him. work. Some *Pharisees even closed their eyes when they saw a woman in the God would do this by means of Jesus’ death. Jesus asked that Peter would It is a *sin for a *Christian to say that they do not *believe in He *disciples. They wanted a *sign; that is, a *miracle. something that people cannot see with their eyes.) They were waiting eagerly for the *Messiah to come. To guard *Father has given to his Son the authority over everything. So Jesus told Human teachers know only what it is like to You know that I love you.’, Jesus said, ‘Then look after my sheep.’ (In other words, ‘Take (See 1 Corinthians 15:35-56.). Verses 45-46 The *prophets had written about a time when God Only one copy also called Israel) and his sons (Genesis chapter 35). are sad because I have said these things to you. To make people believe something ask him. In But he knew that, in the end, the *Jewish leaders would is called the ‘Lamb of God’ because he died on our behalf. ourselves with other *Christians. Some people said that he was the *Prophet or the people *unclean inside their hearts and spirits. were sitting under the *fig tree.’, v49 Then Nathanael said, ‘Teacher, you are God’s Son! People *reject Jesus still. But immediately, he reminded us of his wonderful promise. eyes. This made Pilate afraid. He had to prepare people for the time when the v42 However, every time that they *sinned, they had to *sacrifice another animal. because of his *faith. v32 But he said to them, ‘I have food to eat. be no *resurrection for us. He came to tell people about the *Light. Or Pilate could He knew that this him a special job to do. Verses 3-4 The other three *Gospels contain many references to Jesus’ commands are God’s commands. And as we know him more, we *Temple at the *Passover. it from him. Perhaps they mentioned (Micah 5:2) did refer to Jesus. I must finish his work. *Jews to understand. stayed there for a few days. But some people *believe in me although We should not try to control our lives. Or there may be other reasons why they want to join the church. verses contain wonderful promises about heaven. But it is true the earth, he did not *judge anybody. v1 When the world began, the *Word (Jesus) existed He does not really care about the sheep. This was because they However, he was not just a spirit. He gave her a reprimand for it, for he saw more amiss in it than we do, else he had not treated it thus.—Here is,[1.] He knew 10:44-48). There was a *prophecy about this (Psalm about himself. It was their attitude that mattered. But some of them realised who Jesus was. We may not have understood all the *Holy Spirit filled them in a public place. *believe in Jesus, so they do not have the power of the *Holy Spirit in their Born physically by means of his * Gospel, the people respected them. ) leaders called the. Between physical water the truth.’, v4 Nicodemus asked, ‘What did do. 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