Fun facts about Rome for kids and curious adults alike! Sometimes gladiator blood was recommended by Roman physicians as an aid to fertility. Purple, the most expensive dye from Murex seashells, was reserved for the emperors’ clothes or senators. The emperor/empress, as well as with senators, wore clothing dyed in purple, made from murex seashells. Running water carried the waste to the main drains. He was deposed by Odoacer, the leader of the Barbarians. But I believe that it will come as a surprise that more than 3000 Euro is collected every single night. To make sure the gladiator was not faking his. After growing up, Romulus killed Remus and became the first ruler of Rome… not a great start! There are lots of drinking fountains with delicious water, 13. Eventually, however, he gained Caesars trust and began spending more and more time with him, including during a military campaign in Spain. 2. Rome has a sovereign state located entirely in its city limits, the Vatican City, which is also the world’s smallest state. 6Kerrigan, Michael. It’s one of the fiercest football derbies in Europe. It is rumoured that Fulvia, the wife of the influential Roman politician, Antony, pulled out Cicero’s tongue and stabbed it repeatedly with her hairpin. If a Roman made it to maturity, they were likely to live as … Life expectancy in ancient Rome was only 20 to 30 years —b ut they didn’t all die young. Women of Ancient Rome. “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.”—Augustus. 10Wolf, Greg, ed. We've got everything you need to know about ancient Egypt! The average life expectancy was typically never more than 30 in any given year because of the large number of women dying during labour. Check out the gallery of Ancient Rome facts above for yourself and see how just how unusual this storied civilization could truly be. For here we are presenting the interesting facts about The Roman Empire and making you familiar with it. 1Burgan, Michael. During its history, it has been estimated that over 500,000 people and over a million animals were killed there. He did the job in 16 days, left his powerful position, and went back to the plow. It became treason for anyone other than the emperor to dress completely in purple. There are more than 280 fountains and 900 churches, 11. His father was a senator (who died unexpectedly when he was four), and his mother was Caesars niece. The city is famous for some of the world’s most popular paintings and sculptures that exist in cultural sites such as St Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and Vatican Museums.. 8. [4] On his journey through the Alps to invade Rome in 218 B.C., the Carthaginian general Hannibal lost 14,000 men and 25 elephants.Yet, it took Roman soldiers 17 years to defeat him. revolt against Rome by Spartacus the gladiator, 6,000 slaves were crucified. Named after Appius Claudius Caecus, a Roman censor, it was originally a military road. - Giotto di Bondone. Emperor Claudius’ third wife was once said to have donned blond wigs, gilded her nipples, and entered a competition with a local prostitute to see who could bed the most, Togas were unique to Rome and were worn by free-born Roman. If you’re looking for facts about Rome, it might also be interesting to know about some of the different neighborhoods in the city. A man could lose Roman citizenship if he deserted the army, mutilated himself so he could not serve, or dodged a census to evade taxation. If the baby was not accepted, it was be abandoned and left to die. Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning. It consisted of several levels and more than 150 outlets that sold everything ranging from food and spices to clothes. It might not be the largest city anymore, but historians estimate that Ancient Rome easily had a population of one million people. Nitrum, probably either potassium or sodium carbonate, was burned and rubbed on the teeth to restore color. Monte Testaccio was in use by the Romans from 140 to 250 A.D. for disposing of these terracotta pots. Rome's Cinecittà Studios have been the set of many Academy Award–winning movies. Eventually the boys grew up to found a city. - … There seems to be no evidence that a “thumbs up” or a “thumbs down” was used in Roman gladiatorial games.The editor or judge of the game (such as an emperor) would more likely gesture with a thumb turned horizontally, probably in a striking motion toward the heart, or cover or compress his thumb to signal “put away the blade.”. He also dressed in. Rome was founded in 735 BC by Romulus and the legend says that Romulus and his twin brother Remus were raised by a she-wolf after being abandoned in the Tiber river. Christmas Quiz for Kids | Christmas Fun Quiz | Christmas for Kids. Another interesting fact about Rome and the Romans is that they were the first civilization to use concrete, and they made it really durable. The first University of Rome is both massive and prestigious with more than 100,000 students! A jewel of Europe, Norway offers a dazzling mix of history and natural wonder. The Christians, however, would have none of it. The mystery of the Sphynx's missing nose! It was built for the people’s entertainment, and when it was first opening, there was a 100-day celebration. Find out incredible fun facts about Rome, the Eternal City, and see if you can add anything to the list too. Explore this dramatic country with our list of interesting Norway facts. 253. 7Mann, Elizabeth. The Pantheon, for example, is an old Roman temple that was first built during the reign of Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD), and later finished by Hadrian. 4Cowell, F. R. Life in Ancient Rome. Colosseum is one of the most famous buildings in Rome, and it was built in 70-80 AD by Emperor Vespasian, and finished by Titus, his successor. But only criminals without Roman citizenship (such as. There is a sur Most everything about Russia is epic: its winters, literature, & geographical size. The word comes from the Latin. On his journey through the Alps to invade Rome in 218 B.C., the Carthaginian general Hannibal lost 14,000. Italy’s population is about 58 million. Women most definitely fought as gladiators in Ancient Rome. 1-5 Roman Empire Facts 1. 1. With nearly 3,000 years of rich history, Rome is often called the “Eternal City.” Though Rome dates back to possibly 625 B.C., the oldest continuously populated city in the world is widely to be considered Byblos in present-day Lebanon. After the Romans deposed the last of their kings in 509 B.C., they created the Law of Twelve Tables in 450 B.C., a rule of law that remained in force for 800 years until the end of the western empire. Accessed: February 10, 2009. Rome became the capital of Italy in 1870, 5. It was a status symbol for the highest royalty and was treasonous for anyone else to wear it. Much happened after the Roman Empire fall apart, and it wasn’t until 1870 that the city of Rome could return to its glory days and once again become the capital. The fountain is over eighty six … Ancient Romans did everything from drinking gladiator blood to washing clothes in urine. Trevi Fountain Ban. In 44 BC, "the Ides of March" became notorious as the date of Julius Caesar's assassination, which was a dramatic turning point in Roman history. Rome hosted the 1960 Summer Olympics and is the seat of United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). On the day the Colosseum officially opened, 5,000 animals were killed. Image: Wikipedia. There is evidence that the Romans used various exotic animals in the arena, either for hunting or included in the gladiator games. Many people would take three slaves with them just to go to the baths. I’m currently on a mission to show you the amazing places and diversity that our planet has to offer! By the early fourth century, the Romans had built a road network of 53,000 miles throughout the empire. Here are 40 interesting Roman Empire facts. Share your result in the comment section! 10 Fun and Interesting Facts About Rome 1. It’s an abbreviation for Senatus Populusque Romanus, which basically means The Senate and the people of Rome. Founder of classical humanism, Petrarch (1304-1374) discovered many manuscripts from ancient Rome, and by the fifteenth century, Florentines were modeling their embattled republic on the Roman republic. Here are 40 interesting Roman Empire facts. Did you know that the Vatican is the world’s smallest sovereign state? Despite the inability to expose every layer of Roman history to sunlight, some underground excavations have exposed a variety of interesting … As well as controlling the sewers, she was responsible for protecting sexual intercourse in, The month of August was originally named Sextillis (from sextus) but was renamed in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus. Twitter. Roman statesman Cato the Elder urged that. 5 x Facts about Ancient Rome. Hence, many children suffered from malnutrition. Thanks to his great-uncle, Augustus was able to join the patrician aristocrac… 2. His name has been a title, an insult, countless movies have been made about his life as well as books, TV shows, and even the month of July is named after him. Italians are credited with creating many different types of cheeses. It is one of the largest and most organized dumps found anywhere in the ancient world. With a history spanning almost 3000 years, almost every corner of the city holds a story to tell. A lot of people probably think it’s just another part of Rome because you can just walk to the Sistine Chapel or St Peter’s Basilica without showing your passport. We've got everything you need to know about ancient Egypt! 7 Interesting Facts About Rome - YouTube. Ponder our interesting Greece facts to discover azure coastlines, picturesque villages, and a dynamic history that gave birth to Western civilization. They would hang the togas over a round wooden frame, bleach them with burning sulfur, and press them in a large vat of water to get them clean. Although the medal is usually given to one or a group of architects, Barcelona is the first and only city on the planet to receive this honor. The Roman Empire completely dominated the Mediterranean world for centuries, and the emperors that led it were some of the most powerful men in all of history, for better and for worse. Rome was founded by two brothers nursed by a she-wolf. Next, check out these little-known facts about Ancient Egypt , and learn about the strange history of the ancient world . 8Nardo, Don. While plowing his fields, he was made dictator and placed in charge of the war against the Vosci and Aequi. Between 107 and 110 AD, the Roman Emperor Trajan built the first shopping mall in the world, also known as the Trajan’s Market or Mercato di Traiano. Our Facts about Samoa will provide 25 interesting and fun facts about the Polynesian islands of Samoa with info about geography, people, animals and so much more. New York, NY: Mikaya Press, 1998. My name is Alex, and I’m a Professional Travel Blogger and Photographer from Sweden. Largest Cities: Rome (2.7 m), Milan (1.3 m), Naples (0.96 m), Turin (0.91 m), Palermo (0.66 m) Area: 301,338 km²; Coastline: 7,600 km; Highest Peak: Mont Blanc: (4,748 m) List of Top 25 Interesting Facts About Italy. Here are 42 facts about these emperors: the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Which was long before big cities like New York and London could see themselves having its millionth citizen. In 480BC, at its peak, it accounted for 44% of the world’s population, whereas Rome only ever got to around 20%. They believed that no matter what happened, Rome would prevail and live on forever. 2) The money tossed into The Trevi Fountain is collected and given to aid Romes people in need, which amounts to around €3,000 per day. 9The Sydney Morning Herald. Each Roman mile was about 1,000 paces (about 4,800 feet) and was marked by a milestone. Roman days were divided into 12 hours, measured by a sundial. Even the most seasoned traveller will love our fun Italy facts. If the father took the child into his arms, it showed he accepted responsibility for its upbringing. The knee cap, for example, is the, In English, to “decimate” means to completely destroy. Roman towns were provided with forica, or public lavatories.In lieu of toilet paper, Romans would use a wet sponge. According to the legend, the city was founded by two twin brothers named Romulus and Remus, which were raised by a she-wolf. 1. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2003. A.D. 1303), is the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world. And for good reason. Date: 2014-11-04 00:26:54 Author: Samuel Heenan Comments: (0) If you are making a visit to Italy and Rome in 2015 and enjoy a spot of culture and sightseeing along the way then this might worth reading for your trip. Cappuccino is named after the Roman order of monks, the Capuchin, who wore a hood or cappucio. In Ancient Rome it was common for people to vomit between meals so they could eat more; Ancient Roman women used to dye their hair with beech wood ashes and goat fat; Roman male citizens wore Toga and the women wore ; The days were divided into 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness The St. Pietro (St. Peter’s Basillica) currently displays the chains that supposedly held St. Peter while imprisoned (with St. Paul) in the Carcere Mamertino (Mamertine Prison). These men (and women) at arms encapsulated the very best and the very worst of the Roman Empire. One of Rome’s most famous and significant archaeological feats was the Cloaca Maxima (Greatest Sewage), which was an ancient sewer system. Want to know more about Rome? Italy is only slightly larger than the state of Arizona. Theories as to why Rome fell include political weakness and corruption, immorality, Christian pacifism and superstition, racial mixing, class conflict, environmental problems, a divided capital (Rome and Constantinople), plagues, and mass migrations of wild Germanic people. The Pharaohs! Common boy names included Marcus, Julius, Antonius, Titus, Caius, Didius, Marius, and Septimus. That puts it at #25 on the list if we’re measuring by land size. Hey! When Julius Caesar died, he left today's equivalent of about $270 to each and every Roman citizen. Roman Empire is one of the most popularly known Empires in the history of the world. “Rome—Places to See.” November 28, 2008. Fact 4: An authorized quarto of Romeo and Juliet appeared in 1599.It was substantially longer and more reliable than the unauthorized Quarto released in a year earlier in 1597. Rome’s last emperor was Romulus Augustus, whose name recalls both the founder of Rome and Rome’s first emperor. AS Roma and SS Lazio are the two most famous teams from the city, and both of them have the Olimpico stadium as their home arena. Now assumed to be an ancient Roman manhole cover or part of a first-century statue, past generations thought Rome’s “Mouth of Truth” (La Bocca della Verità) to be a sort of ancient lie detector. Facts about Samoa | 25 Samoa Facts for Kids | Oceania | Geography. Toothpaste was regularly used by those who could afford it. Fact 5: The tragic tale about the two ill-fated lovers was written by William Shakespeare. Rome has a museum dedicated entirely to pasta. Some common girl names in ancient Rome included Julia, Livia, Drusilla, Antonia, and Claudia. And it’s still standing strong today, 2000 years later. Romulus ended up killing Remus and named the new settlement after himself. They began just after King Romulus founded the city of Rome – a city which he named after himself by the way! The economy of the country is supported by the sale of postage stamps, tourist mementos, the entry fee for museums, the sale of publication, etc. ), The early Romans thought the Christian sacrament was literally a form of cannibalism, There seems to be no evidence that a “thumbs up” or a “thumbs down” was used in Roman gladiatorial games, The aqueducts stand as a testament to the excellence of ancient Roman engineering. It stands for “, Rome’s population of more than a million was not matched by any other European city until, Roman physicians had a wide range of surgical tools, including catheters and speculums. To die honorably, the defeated gladiator would grasp the thigh of his victor who would then hold his opponent’s head or helmet and plunge a sword in his neck. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city’s population fell dramatically to less than 50,000 people. Here are 25 fascinating facts about the Sistine Chapel to give you all the more reason to visit this stunning attraction. The Circus Maximus could seat nearly 250,000 fans. New York, NY: Thalamus Publishing, 2003. The first one states that two demigod brothers, Romulus and Remus, laid the foundations of Rome but then had an ugly argument about who got to rule the city. Some scholars speculate that pagan Romans would have been happy to add Christ to their list of gods, and that some did. Many modern medical terms still have Latin roots. Even in cities without the population issues present in Rome, such as Herculaneum and Pompeii, excavations are often limited to 20 or 25 percent of the original site. Carthage was a Phoenician city. Some linguistic possibilities for the origin of the word “Rome” include the Etruscan word. Cincinnati, Ohio, is named after a great figure of Rome, Cincinnatus (519-438 B.C.). Like the Trevi Fountain, many of Rome's top sights are free and fun facts about modern day Rome are plentiful. Here’s a list of interesting, educational, and fun facts about Italy and her friendly people that you may not already know: 1. Here are 10 facts about the Punic Wars. Everyday in Ancient Rome. How many of these Rome facts did you know before reading this? Hannibal could not capitalise on his victory with an assault on Rome though, and the massive military reforms the disaster precipitated only made Rome stronger. In battle, Romans sometimes grouped together and held their shields all around them in a move called “the tortoise.”. Usually, an apricot tree is the species P. armeniaca, but the species P. brigantina, P. mandshurica, P. mume, and P. sibirica are closely related, have similar fruit, and are also called apricots. Everyone probably knows it’s a very popular attraction, and might also have heard about the legend saying that you should throw a coin to make your wish come true. The early Romans thought Christians were literally practicing some sort of cannibalism when the word was out that they consumed bread and, Gladiatorial combat probably dates back to the Etruscans or Samnites who made prisoners fight to the, The Roman Emperor Gaius (nicknamed Caligula after a type of military boot) tried to make his horse a consul, which was the most important job in the government. 1. If we’re going by population size, the largest empire was the Achaemenid Empire, AKA the Persian Empire. Italy has two countries based within its territory. Despite the inability to expose every layer of Roman history to sunlight, some underground excavations have exposed a variety of interesting … 1. But if you don’t know much about it, worry not. During the Middle Ages it became a fortress for the city’s two warrior families. Romans were highly superstitious and feared anything to do with the left, which is why their words for “left” and “, Ancient Romans believed that seeing an owl was a bad omen, sniffing cyclamen flowers would prevent baldness, and ringing bells eased the pain of. The Pharaohs! In its passageways and arches under the seats, cooks and prostitutes catered to the fans’ other needs. by Brian Galindo. Fun facts on Italy: the cheeses. It was a political center and a place where day-to-day life took place. Pinterest. 15 Truly Bizarre Facts About Ancient Rome. 1) Italians truly love Art, and have more masterpieces per square mile than any other country. 3Constable, Nick. The Vatican is located entirely within Rome’s city limits, In Ancient Rome it was common for people to vomit between meals so they could eat more, Ancient Roman women used to dye their hair with beech wood ashes and goat fat, Roman male citizens wore Toga and the women wore, The days were divided into 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, The ancient Romans used to believe in many different gods, Cats are free to live wherever they are born in the city, Children go to school from at least 6 years old until they are 16, The Roman Empire was one of the biggest civilizations in human history, It is said that the Roman army could march at least 40 km every day, The Romans built many important road networks. New York, NY: The Berkeley Publishing Group, 1976. All rights reserved. After the fall of Rome, Latin continued in a variety of dialects which later developed into the Romance languages such as Portuguese, Romanian, Italian, French, and Spanish. Built by the emperor Hadrian (118-125), the Pantheon (“Temple of the Gods”) is remarkable because its massive dome is made of concrete that has withstood the elements for almost 2,000 years—with no steel reinforcing. One of the things I love the most about Rome is how generous of stories, facts and learning opportunities the city is. Still today it’s an important site where you can learn much about the city’s history, and it’s one of the most popular tourist attractions. Below are some general info such as total population, land area, and other general facts about Rome that might be interesting to know. Dec 26, 20 09:36 AM The Capuchin Crypt in Rome consists of five chapels and a corridor 60 meters long—and it is decorated with the bones of 4,000 deceased monks. In Roman custom, a bride was carried over a threshold for good luck with the words “. Empire of Ancient Rome. Land ownership was so important that almost all Roman citizens owned at least a small plot. ; In its heyday, the Roman Empire accounted for 90 million people, or 20% of the global population. Not all gladiators were men – female gladiatrix also fought in the arenas of Rome, even if they were usually novelty acts . Three Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage were fought between 264 BC and 146 BC. Allegedly, it would cut off a person’s hand if it was placed in the mouth while the person spoke a lie. The Monte Testaccio is a vast, nonbiodegradable garbage dump where an estimated 53 million amphorae (ceramic vases) were thrown. The priestesshood had survived for well over 1,000 years, After the death of an emperor, an eagle was released to carry the emperor’s soul to the afterlife, The Colosseum is considered an architectural feat and represents both the beauty and excess of ancient Rome, January is named after the Roman god of beginnings, Janus, who has two faces—one looking back to the old year and the other looking forward to the new year, Cincinnati, Ohio, is named after a great figure of Rome, Cincinnatus (519-438 B.C. The Roman water has flown in the city since the invention of aqueducts during the Roman empire, and Romans today as well as visitors can still enjoy fresh water in the fountains. It was thought to be presided over by the goddess Cloacina (literally “sewer” or “drain”). It is truly one of the most cultural cities in Europe, and visitors can admire more than 280 fountains and a staggering amount of 900 churches that are scattered around the city. 2. When Julius Caesar died, he left today's equivalent of about $270 to each and every Roman citizen. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, 1998. After criticizing Rome’s transition from a republic to an empire, the famous philosopher/rhetorician Cicero was murdered and had his head and hands displayed on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum. After the fall of Rome, the Colosseum became overgrown with exotic plants—seeds had inadvertently been transported with the wild animals that were used for fighting. Roman Empire is one of the most popularly known Empires in the history of the world. The name "Italy" conjures sparkling coastlines, delicious cuisine, and ancient history. Share your result in the comment section below! …is the only city in the world awarded a Royal Gold Medal for architecture by Royal Institute of British Architects. Wealthy Romans might enjoy exotic foods such as stuffed flamingo. Several religious sources claim that Nero was the Antichrist and will return as the Antichrist. About one-fifth of Italy’s population is over the age of 65. Ready for a journey back in time? Rome’s first university, La Sapienza, established in 1303 AD, is the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world. The money is donated to charity for the people in need. Roman coins were used to publicize the emperor, his achievements, and his family in a world with no mass media. In response to a 73 B.C. During the Renaissance, Rome was second only to Florence as a major force of influence. Another theory is that water supplied by lead pipes caused widespread health problems including brain damage and impaired intelligence. 1. St Peter’s basilica inside Vatican City is the largest church ever constructed. The list below explores 25 interesting, yet little-known facts about Barcelona. The Romans trained some female slaves to fight as gladiators. 170 (1963) 65. One of the most surprising facts about Rome can be found inside the Trevi Fountain. The Romans would have baths together On Capitoline Hill (one of the Seven Hills of Rome) at noon on April 21 every year, a special bell called Patarina rings to celebrate the founding of Rome. If you measure by surface area alone the Roman Empire was only the 25th biggest in history. © 2021 Fact Retriever LLC. 5 Walking Tours in Rome for 2015 | Seeing the City by foot. 0. Their great height not only controlled the flow of water but also made it more difficult for someone to steal water and for enemies to put poison in it. - Source 2. 11-15 Interesting Facts About Italy 11. For the Romans, a “circus” was a chariot racetrack, not the tented entertainment venue of today. The practice of agriculture was said to have developed the hardy nature of the typical Roman. The Roman Forum or Forum Romanum as it’s known locally was an important center during the Roman empire. The snake was a common image in Roman art and jewelry and was believed to have powers over a family’s well-being. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 1. 1) Rome was founded in 753BC by its first king, Romulus. The term was first mentioned by Albius Tibullus in a poem from the 1st century. Had built a road network of 53,000 miles throughout the Empire Roman mile was 1,000! Them in a town about 25 miles southeast of Rome some linguistic possibilities for the city, military! Was the Achaemenid Empire, AKA the Persian Empire the American Schools of Oriental Research in. Is Parmesan, which basically means the Senate and the city of.. ( who died unexpectedly when he was four ), is named after the Roman and... The American Schools of Oriental Research their shields all around them in fed... See. ” November 28, 2008 cappuccino is named after the fall of the month 150 outlets sold! All the more reason to visit this stunning attraction add Christ to their list of gods and! 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