You can soak the seeds overnight in tepid water to help speed up germination. Best time to grow okra. Timing the planting of the seedlings is crucial to the development of your crop; okra is best suited to U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 6 through 11. Lastly, okra and corn can they be planted in the same bed? Since Okra plant thrives better in summer climates, you can grow it throughout the year if you reside in tropical zones. An African native, okra was cultivated by ancient Egyptians in the 12th century B.C., and it spread through North Africa to the Middle East. You can start okra seeds indoors six to eight weeks ahead of the expected outdoor planting date. But it also says But if you want to, and are willing to take a little extra care of the long tap, you can successfully transplant okra. How do you plant okra in your vegetable garden? Okra isn’t a heavy feeder, but it does benefit from compost. As American tastes evolve to include an appreciation of regional fare, growing okra for profit is an avenue to explore as soup companies and frozen food packagers expand to fulfill requests for the vegetable, according to the University of Georgia Extension. Use a soil-less medium to completely eliminate the prospect of insects and disease. Please share your techniques with us! Starting seedlings in peat pots will lessen transplant shock. Posted on May 11, 2010 by Admin in Discover How-to // 7 Comments. This is sometimes the best method for transplanting okra seedlings to avoid disturbing the roots. Fertilizing Okra. My raised bed isnt high enough for them. Transplant sturdy seedlings to the outdoor garden around the last frost date. This could hamper the okra growth or even kill the okra plant. Prepare the soil, with a hole and a soil-less medium at the base of the hole. Okra needs warm temperatures, full sun, and can tolerate dry conditions. Every year I end up with some very leggy okra seedlings started indoors. After cutting them off the stalk, place them in the refrigerator. Set plants 24 inches (60 cm) apart in rows at least 24 inches apart. Okra can be direct sown or started indoors and transplanted. Okra plants are tall, so space out the rows 3 to 4 feet apart. Okra is a great choice for beginner gardeners because it’s easy to grow. You now have the okra seedling in a neat little peat pot. Transplant shock occurs when moved plants do not put on any growth for a significant period of time after transplant. A versatile writer, Jann enjoys research as well as doing the actual writing. Before transplanting, tear off the top part of the pot that extends above the soil. The seeds need full sun to germinate. When it comes time to transplant the seedling you can plant the pot and all in the vegetable garden. Okra does not transplant well, so most gardeners grow their crops from seed. Once they start growing, it’s easy to transplant okra into gardens or containers. Raised Beds and Spacing for Peppers and Friends: 7. A career in television writing, as a magazine editor and celebrity interviewer, Jann adapts to her environment, having traveled the world, living overseas and packing and unpacking her treasures for a new location over 30 times. Step 1 When they are several inches high and the outdoor soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit with no frost on the horizon, you can transplant the seedlings either outdoors or into a container. Okra does not tolerate frost well, and for okra to grow well, daytime temperatures should be remain close to 85°F (29°C) with nighttime temperatures around 60°F (16°C). I decided to transplant the okra seedling with the peat pot intact. I like to use egg cartons or peat pots I can place directly into the ground, because okra has fragile roots. After a good rain, it's possible to pull a foot long burdock or other root out of the ground nearly intact, but with all of the laterals that … Plant okra seeds about ½ to 1 inch deep and 12 to 18 inches apart in a row. Brought to the United States by the slaves of Western Africa in the 17th century, the Creoles of Louisiana use okra as a thickener in their stews, such as gumbo, according to Food Reference. Good Housekeeping recommends soaking the seeds overnight to soften the shells and allow them to open to release the seedling. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. I was thinking about doing this b/c they both grow tall. Its only 8 inches high . In warm, Western climates it grows quite tall, reaching heights of up to 10 feet. The first harvest should be ready in about 2 months, depending on the weather, the watering conditions and the health of the plant. In warmer areas, you can also start okra directly in your garden 3 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost date as long as you cover the plants with a cold frame or grow tunnel until the weather warms up fully. I then take an okra seedling and place one in each hole to represent where they’ll be planted. To avoid damaging the plant roots, use peat pots, or homemade newspaper pots to start the seeds. It’s a good idea at this point to stand back a bit and take a good look at the okra planting arrangement. This year we planned to transplant the okra in a spinach bed. Never tried transplanting okra, but after birds ate my first set of sprouts (ate my peas too), I thought I'd try it. Tall? Water the plants about an hour before transplanting, so the roots will bind and be protected. I started them indoors and theya re about 6″ high. You can speed up the seedlings' growth … Photo Kathryn Simmons. By transplanting in our seed starting trays this ensures a solid root ball because of the internal root training ribs that help the plants grow properly and reduce transplant shock when placed in the vegetable garden. The okra seedling can be transplanted with the entire peat pot (except the top portion you removed earlier) because the peat pot is entirely biodegradable. Okra prefers a soil pH range of 6.0 to 6.8. You can transplant the seedlings without removing them from their pots to reduce root disturbance. A word of caution: Wear gardening gloves when harvesting; okra has little prickly shoots that can irritate the skin. Peat pots are ideal for planting okra seeds; the plants can easily be removed for transplanting without harming the roots. Wait until the weather is reliably warm, about two weeks after your last expected frost date, before transplanting outdoors. You might see a larger root near the center of the pot – do not tear that root. Keep in mind that okra doesn’t take well to transplanting, so you’re likely to lose some seedlings if you go with this planting method. Tomatoes are really the only vegetable that can be planted deeper. ft of worm castings. The peat pot tray is easy to work with and makes it very easy to remove the seedlings. The preferred method of planting okra is by sowing the seeds directly in the vegetable garden. Okra transplanting. Pick the pods at least every other day because they all don’t mature at once. If you live in a cold climate with a short growing season, you may need to start your seeds indoors and then transplant the okra seedlings into their beds once the risk of frost has passed. I recommend using a grow light bulb and keep it at least 3inches from the top of the seedlings. While the peat pot is damp carefully tear the peat pot off until it it even, or a little lower than the soil level in the peat pot. Once you have the okra seedlings arranged how you like it is time to transplant them. I planted them in plastic baby food jars. Hardening Off Pepper & Eggplant Transplants: 4. With attractive foliage and flowers that resemble those of a hibiscus, okra looks as though it belongs in the flower garden. If you’re growing the plant from seed, give it 60 days from planting the seedlings to harvest. Good Housekeeping: How to Grow Okra in Your Veggie Garden This Year, University of Georgia Extension: Commercial Okra Production, The National Gardening Association: Starting Eggplant, Pepper and Okra Seeds Indoors, Directions for How to Plant Cascadia Sugar Snap Peas. Growing okra in containers and seedling trays gives you a head start if the soil is cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Here is how I transplant okra seedling into the vegetable garden. Use a garden hoe to make 1"-deep furrows in the garden bed. Start indoor seeds 6 to 8 weeks before the transplant date. One essential trick for health okra plants is to mulch around them. Starting Eggplant, Pepper, and Okra Seeds Indoors: 2. It is best to plant okra with the soil level of the seedling the same height as the soil level of the garden. This means that they are lacking sunlight (which was true in my case) and they need some more room to grow. I have 7.5 gallon containers that I would like to plant them inside. It is best to plant okra after daytime temps hit 85 degrees and nighttime temps reach the low 60s. How to Plant Okra. Hi Mindy – if they are getting leggy then you probably need a better light source. Okra Needs Some Growing Room When you plant okra for growing sprouts, you can plant it closer together. Growing okra from seed is easy. Apr 9, 2015 - Okra is not very difficult to grow in the home vegetable garden. Sometimes it can be difficult to remove the seedlings in the plastic trays without damaging the seedling. Should I start new seeds? Well, its time to see how the okra I started in the seedling room is going to do in transplant in the garden. Plant okra seeds about ½ to 1 inch deep and 12 to 18 inches apart in a row. Okra gardening is rewarding and helps you toward the path of sustainability. If you decide to remove the bottom of the peat pots or the entire pot be extra careful to avoid disturbing or tearing the roots. All 60 plants are six to eight inches tall. Popular seed varieties include Emerald, Clemson Spineless and Green Velvet. The soil level of the peat pot should be level with the soil level of the row (or raised bed). Remove the top 1 inch of the peat pot before removing the seedlings for transplanting to avoid disturbing the roots. We are about to plant our second set of okra plants. The preferred method of planting okra is by sowing the seeds directly in the vegetable garden. Beans, Corn, Cucumbers*, Cantaloupe and other melons*, Okra, Peas, Squash*, Turnips *Most of these plants will not perish upon transplant, but will experience transplant shock. You can start sowing the seeds of okra directly in the final location or you … As far as fertilizing goes, is it recommended to use chicken manure or is that too high in nitrogen? If they begin to get very leggy to the point of falling over then you will probably need to start new seeds. Okra grows a long taproot that needs sufficient depth in order to grow. My seedings are about 6 inches tall now, and the first true leaves are growing. Once the okra seedling is at the proper depth cover with soil or compost. Is this what it meant by leggy? The spinach came to an early end, but the okra is doing very well, and we have just started harvesting it, a bit earlier than in other years. Water the seedlings thoroughly before transplanting them. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a warm-weather vegetable, and it can be planted either indoors or directly into the garden, depending on your desired harvesting dates. You can also count back three to four weeks from the last frost date in your area which means that your okra should be ready for transplanting about two weeks after that last frost date. You can do one of two things at this point in the transplanting – you can plant the okra seedling with the entire peat pot, you can remove the very bottom of the peat pot, or you can remove the entire peat pot altogether. Peppers and Eggplant in Containers: 5. Manage Consent, Tweets that mention How To Transplant Okra Seedlings : Veggie Gardener -- Place the presoaked seeds into the furrows, spacing them 6" apart. Okra needs warm temperatures, full sun, and can tolerate dry conditions. Place the okra seedling in the hole you previously dug. If you start okra seeds in a seed tray, there are a few things you should know while transplanting them in the vegetable garden. Plant the seeds ½ inch into the peat pot and gently tamp the soil over the planted seeds. When transplanting using our seed starting trays this will ensure you develop a solid root ball because of the internal root training ribs that help the plants grow properly and reduce transplant shock when placed in the garden area. The plants grow between 6 to 8 feet tall, so they need plenty room to … We recommend transplanting okra in the early spring to get a jumpstart on production and early germination of plants during the growing season. Aug 1, 2018 - How to Transplant Okra. Transplanting Eggplant, Peppers, and Okra My okra seedlings looking too leggy due to lack of sunlight. Space the furrows 24" apart. Wrap 3-inch wide strips of newspaper around the lower part of the stem, just above the roots to prevent cutworms from chewing through the tender stems. KidneyCare complements AlloSure to include multimodality testing with the addition of AlloMap Kidney Gene Expression Profiling and prognostic graft assessment using iBox. Okra Seedling Care ← you're on this article right now: 3. Cow Horn okra. Any part of a peat pot that sits above ground after the seedling is transplanted can wick water away from the roots. After the seedlings have become established and are growing well mulch around them with straw. Okra seeds can be started indoors in seed trays four to six weeks before the last frost date of your area. If you are planting okra transplants, be sure to space them 1 to 2 feet apart to give them ample room to grow. The Okra seeds should be sowed at a depth of ½ to 1 inch in each pot. Wrap a strip of newspaper around the base of the seedling to prevent cutworms from chewing the stems, and be sure at least 1 inch of newspaper is below ground. Check to make sure the okra seedling is not sitting too deep or too high in the hole. Okra should be planted about 18 to 24 inches apart in rows (if you are using rows) that are about two to three feet apart. Your email address will not be published. Once all the okra seedlings have been removed from the seed tray, I like to lay the seedlings out where they will be planted. When to Plant Okra You can start okra seeds indoors in peat pots under full light 3 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost date. The roots are well developed and each plant has about a half cu. Our first set just evaporated within a few weeks. When the okra is about 3 inches long, harvest the first round by snipping the pod from the stem with sterilized pruning shears and prepare for another harvest as the summer progresses. Don’t put them in harsh sun, rather, gentle light. Okra grows easily in the South, where the warm weather and sun produce a year-round crop, with the height of the season falling in the summer months. Anyway, you will know that you need to transplant your okra seedling when they start becoming too leggy. Many okra The roots are still delicate, and you should transplant the plant as quickly as possible to establish them in the ground. © 2017 Carbon Media Group Agriculture OKRA is a multicenter, prospective, observational registry, designed to measure outcomes of kidney transplant recipients managed with KidneyCare. If you plant your okra to harvest the pods, though, you need to plant it farther apart. The National Gardening Association suggests that you “harden off” the seedlings before putting them into the ground. The taproot of Okra doesn’t let it transplant very well and thus you need to plant the seeds directly in a biodegradable pot or the container. Tomatoes and peppers go out next and they're already two feet tall. This will allow you to transplant okra plants that are already several inches tall. Mulching Around Okra Plants. I wonder why? Soil Preparation for Eggplant and Peppers: 6. Asked August 8, 2019, 7:40 PM EDT I didn't transplant my okra seedlings correctly, and now the plants are way bigger, but they're way too close. Okra is rich in vitamin A, and the low-calorie vegetable produces beautiful flowers during the growing season that enhance the look of your garden. If you are planting okra transplants, be sure to space them 1 to 2 feet apart to give them ample room to grow. When your okra plant is around 4 inches tall, mulch around the plants to keep weeds at bay and conserve moisture. Use pots made out of peat for planting seeds indoors because Okra seedlings do not transplant well. Repeat this same process until all the okra seedlings are transplanted into the vegetable garden. Plant on a cloudy day. Have a watering can filled and ready nearby. … You can soak the seeds overnight in tepid water to help speed up germination. Also, is it possible to plant okra in containers? Mine are leggy too. Transplant on a cloudy day: Bright sun can hurt newly planted seedlings, so always plan to transplant on an overcast day, late in the afternoon or in the evening. Okra seeds can be started indoors in seed trays four to six weeks before the last frost date of your area. This helps the soil hold together, reducing the amount of root disturbance and making them easier to handle. Hi John – No. Do Not Sell My Data We appreciate your very detailed recommendations pertaining to transplanting seedlings. I've got 16 okra seedlings (about 4-5" tall now) in my garage window, close to ready to plant. To remove the okra seedlings, I simply use a sharp knife and cut each seed cell down both sides to form a small pot. Plant in rows at least 12 to 18 inches apart. This means moving the peat pots outdoors to acclimate to the weather slowly. It will eventually decompose if left in the hole. or is it? If you start okra seeds in a seed tray, there are a few things you should know while transplanting them in the vegetable garden. We have to maximize space in our rooftop garden and this forces us to make some transfers and transplants. Keep the pots in full sunlight during this time. Early Planting Generally, set out your plants the week after the last average frost date to be sure the tender young plants don't suffer from frostbite. Okra seeds are often started in peat or fiber pots because the roots are brittle and don't like to be disturbed. If you are planting okra in a raised bed, the okra plants should be about 12 to 18 inches apart, and the raised bed needs to be at least 12 inches deep. I take my hand or a garden trowel and dig small holes about 18 inches apart in the rows. Once the seed tray cell has been cut on both sides, the cell can easily be removed. Okra grows easily in the South, where the warm weather and sun produce a year-round crop, with the height of the season falling in the summer months. The green pod-like fruits are very popular in the Southern United States, where they are enjoyed in soups and stews. Okra is not very difficult to grow in the home vegetable garden. Late afternoon or evening is best. The first thing I want to do with the okra seedling is to remove the very top of the peat pot. The pod should be firm. Once the soil temperature reaches 65-70F, you can transplant your okra seedlings outdoors. As I have shown in the articles for transplanting cucumbers, I prefer to start seeds in a peat pot-based tray. Start okra seeds indoors in peat pots 3-4 weeks before the last frost date in spring. Many plants like okra, cucumbers, and squash do not like having their roots disturbed and can even die from it. What is it meant by “leggy” seedlings? Once the stalk is depleted, cut it back to the ground; fertilize the soil and prepare to grow a second crop. Transplant okra to the garden after seedlings are at least 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) tall. Apply a layer that is 2-3 inches high. Can okra seedlings be planted a bit deeper like you can do with tomatos? Add aged compost to planting beds in advance of transplanting. Also: Choose a location in full sun for the newly planted seedlings. After this is completed be sure to give all the seedlings a thorough drink of water or compost tea. Many okra varieties can get very tall – sometimes reaching seven feet or more in height. Indoors: 2, spacing them 6 '' apart of caution: Wear gardening gloves harvesting... ) apart in a neat little peat pot tray is easy to transplant okra 're this! Meant by “ leggy ” seedlings seeds ; the plants can easily be removed for transplanting okra seedlings too! Ready to plant okra seeds indoors because okra has little prickly shoots that can difficult! 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