I have cherry flavored children's benadryl (the liquid kind). Active ingredients in various drugs have an effect on dogs different to humans, not to mention the size difference means the dosage is an important factor. Again, it causes drowsiness, which allows your pet to feel relaxed and calm down during normally stressful events such as car rides. Benadryl for dogs is a safe option to turn to when your dog is dealing with allergies or itchy skin. Fortunately, as long as you aren’t loading it with butter, jam, or ... [Learn More], Many experts recommend a whole food, natural diet for dogs, filled with healthy fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Though Benadryl is known for its wide safety margin, an overdose could be fatal. They can be given this dose 2-3 times per day. If you think this is the case, please monitor your dog for the following symptoms: Contact your vet immediately if your dog is experiencing any of the above symptoms or if your dog collapses or has seizures from taking Benadryl. You should never give your dog any type of medication without first consulting your veterinarian. Benadryl is sometimes also used in conjunction with treatments for mast cell tumors and heartworms. Diphenhydramine’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier means that it is typically very effective. While this is a drug commonly taken by humans, Benadryl is not FDA-approved for animals. How much benadryl can you give a dog? Histamine is the compound that's released in response to an injury, or in allergic and inflammatory reactions. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15825733/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1661429/pdf/vetsci00275-0006.pdf, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30779257/, https://www.veterinaryplace.com/dog-medicine/benadryl/. This dosage can be administered 2-3 times a day (8-12 hours apart). Another option is Derma-lonX, which also has no side effects. The amount of Benadryl your dog needs depends on its size. Benadryl is not effective in serious cases of allergic reactions. It is critical to seek proper medical attention if you think that your dog may be experiencing an overdose. Conventional vets use it and recommend it … for just about anything. Benadryl … so many people love using this over-the-counter medication for their dogs. All you have to do is mix plain oatmeal and water until it forms a paste. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any medications (including Benadryl). Diphenhydramine is categorized as a first-generation antihistamine, meaning that it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Benadryl typically takes effect within 30 minutes of administration. However, you need to be careful because some of these generic medications may also contain acetaminophen and/or pseudoephedrine which are known to be toxic to dogs. Oatmeal can serve as a soothing home remedy for irritated and itchy skin. Always follow recommended dosage guidelines (1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight) and know the signs of Benadryl overdose in dogs. Additionally, Benadryl has been used to treat motion sickness in dogs and provide mild sedation. It was designed to relieve allergic reactions in humans but it can be used to treat a number of symptoms dogs. As long as you are careful, dogs can drink tea, which are actually ... [Learn More], Copyright © 2021 Dog Food Genius | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Do Not Sell My Information |, Yes, You Can Give Your Dog Benadryl in the Proper Dosages. Benadryl can be used to treat bee stings, itchiness due to allergic reactions, and hives. Neosporin For Dogs: Can You Use Neosporin On A Dog. This is used to treat skin conditions caused by allergies, skin irritations, and itching in dogs of all ages. It should not be used if your dog has urinary retention, glaucoma or hypertyroidism. The rule of thumb is that your dog should be given 1 mg of Benadryl for every pound of body weight. You can repeat this dosage once in every 8 to 12 hours. Cases of hospitalized dogs surviving up to 16 times greater than the recommended dose have been recorded, so if pet owners act fast enough, there is a higher chance of recovery. Experts recommend administering a dose of Benadryl every 8-12 hours as needed. Mast cells are white blood cells that play a role in allergic reactions. The flavoring is not from actual grapes. Reviewed for publication by JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM. Like most drugs, Benadryl for dogs isn’t 100% safe 100% of the time; although rare, there are side effects.. Just like people check with their doctors before starting a new medication, you should always check with your veterinarian to make sure there are no possible complications with other drugs your dog might be taking, or to make sure it won’t worsen a pre-existing … Diphenhydramine reduces the effects of histamine within a dog's system, the compound that's released in response to an injury, or in allergic and inflammatory reactions. Pet owners should never exceed this dosage amount, as a Benadryl overdose can cause hyperexcitability of a dog’s central nervous system. As with drowsiness, this excitability is often temporary. Always follow recommended dosage guidelines when it comes to Benadryl for dogs. Depending on the severity of the sting, they will likely recommend Benadryl. This dosage can be administered 2-3 times a day (8-12 hours apart). And although french fries ... [Learn More], Generally speaking, it is never recommended that we feed our dogs a steady diet of the same foods that we eat. It may also be used to treat dogs that have anxiety or to keep them calm on long car rides. Benadryl addresses the symptoms of an allergic response or allergies by drying up watery eyes and runny noses … Alternatively, pet parents can turn to several holistic alternatives in treating their dog's allergic reactions. Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular holistic alternative for a number of conditions, including itchy and irritated skin. It causes no side effects and can be used for dogs of all ages. It's a powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal treatment. This dosage can be administered 2-3 times a day (8-12 hours apart). Therefore, it's important not to automatically assume that allergies are causing these symptoms. They have ... [Learn More], If you are trying to switch your dog to a healthier food diet, you may be wondering about the types of vegetables that ... [Learn More], Have you noticed a bit of blood in your dog’s urine? In all of these cases Benadryl can be dangerous, but your vet may still recommend it as a treatment. Benadryl should only ever be administered in the tablet form when prescribed for dogs. Benadryl is an antihistamine. As for dosage, Benadryl dosage is based on the dog's body weight. While it is generally safe for dogs to take Benadryl, they may experience the following side effects: If you notice that your dog is experiencing any of these side effects after having Benadryl, you should contact your vet immediately. It also contains acetominophen (Tylenol) which has a very narrow margin of safety in dogs and can be quite toxic as well as phenylephrine (a decongestant). If your pup has anxiety, your veterinarian may prescribe Benadryl to help ease symptoms of anxiety and effectively help your anxious pup calm down. In most cases, dogs show allergy symptoms on the skin’s surface. Alternatives for Benadryl For Pugs. Dogs have different symptoms when experiencing allergic reactions. If your pup has to undergo heartworm treatment, your vet may recommend Benadryl to ease the symptoms associated with the treatment. A major side effect of diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl, is drowsiness. The death of the heartworms can trigger a serious allergic reaction. This dosage can be adjusted by a vet based on your dog’s age and its condition. Luckily, there are natural alternatives you can also consider. The image on the left is a dosage chart for benadryl and your dog. Diphenhydramine is an H1 antagonist that will help to keep histamine levels in the body to a minimum. Giving a dog Benadryl, or any other antihistamine, isn’t something you should take lightly, especially if you haven’t researched a safe dose. Benadryl formulated with just diphenhydramine is a human medicine that can be legally prescribed for extra-label uses for canines as well. A Benadryl overdose can cause hyperexcitability of a dog’s central nervous system. Before you can know how much Benadryl to give to your dog, you need to know which type of Benadryl you are using, as there are different Benadryl products on the market. Although many veterinarians consider Benadryl to have a wide safety margin, there are still dangers and adverse reactions associated with the drug that pet owners should be aware of. Here is Benadryl dosage chart, and how you can give your dog Benadryl safely. It is critical to seek proper medical attention if you think that your dog may be experiencing an overdose. The general recommendation of Benadryl dose for dogs is 1mg/lb. These are completely safe for humans but not for dogs. It can be used for allergic respiratory disease, cough, pruritis (itchy skin) due to allergy, motion sickness, and mild sedation. Many veterinarians and pet owners find Benadryl to be an effective antihistamine for mild to moderate allergic reactions. Benadryl is often used to treat the following conditions in dogs: One thing to keep in mind is that in many countries outside of the US, diphenhydramine is not a common ingredient in anti-histamine products (they mostly use cetirizine instead). Start with 1 mg per pound first. The most important thing to look for is that the particular Benadryl product you have only contains Diphenhydramine. Cetirizine is an active ingredient in some Benadryl products that can be used for dogs in specific circumstances, but it won’t treat the issues present if your vet has recommended Benadryl. But, in most cases, it is usually safe for dogs to have Benadryl. In fact, diphenhydramine is commonly found in a number of sleep aids. Bendaryl For Dogs Dosage Chart – Large and Small Dogs. Let your pup soak for 10-20 minutes to put their itchy skin at ease. As PetMD points out, Benadryl, which is the brand name for the over-the-counter antihistamine diphenhydramine, is used to treat symptoms associated with … Of course, every dog responds differently to new medications, so it's important to talk to your veterinarian about the dose that is right for your particular pup. Experts recommend 1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight. The toxic part of grapes is in the skin, which is not included in Benadryl. Ask your vet before dosing your dog with Benadryl, for the safety of your pet. If you have Benedryl in liquid form, you will just need to measure out the correct dosage. Written by Lily Velez. Furthermore, dogs with the following conditions should not receive Benadryl: Luckily, these days, there are more holistic options than ever to help support your dog's health and happiness. Benadryl Dosage for Dogs. However, this doesn't ... [Learn More], Many owners wonder if bread is good or bad for dogs. As a dog owner, I have always found it necessary to seek for Vet’s insight further down the road to investigate the root causes of this itching. It can make a world of difference for a dog that is terrified of fireworks, for example. Although many veterinarians consider Benadryl to have a wide safety margin, there are still dangers and adverse reactions associated with the drug that pet owners should be aware of. Benadryl is a popular medication that is used to treat a variety of symptoms in dogs, including: Benadryl is sometimes also used in conjunction with treatments for: Let's explore some of these use cases in more detail. It's a safe medicine and its side effects are on the mild side. Experts recommend 1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight. Below, we’ll discuss whether dogs can take Benadryl, how much Benadryl to give a dog (proper dosage), side effects to look for, and alternative treatments to consider. Although it's possible for your pup to show signs of allergies that are similar to those of humans, you'll want to make sure that your pup doesn't have a more serious condition at hand in such a situation. Its active ingredient is diphenhydramine. Always consult the website of the brand of medication you're using for the most up-to-date information about common uses and reported side effects. Benadryl can have serious side effects in your pet and it is possible for your dog to overdose if not careful. The simple answer is yes! You can give your dog some Benadryl. Dosage of Benadryl for Dogs The best way to determine the correct Benadryl dosage for dogs is to consult your veterinarian. Benadryl overdose in dogs. Sometimes even it can be doubled like 2 mg / 1 lb based on the demanding situation your dog goes through. After 3 minutes, remove the tea bags and then let your dog soak in the bath for 5-10 minutes. Zyrtec for dogs) is known as an antihistamine--a term most pet parents are probably familiar with. It can reduce nausea related to motion sickness. Diphenhydramine can be given to dogs for a variety of reasons. Pet owners should never exceed this dosage amount, as a Benadryl overdose can cause hyperexcitability of a dog’s central nervous system. Never spray the solution on raw skin or open wounds, however, as this can be painful for your pup. Yes, but there is a lot more to it. People have been using Benadryl on dogs for a very long time without any fatal outcomes. You can give your dog the recommended dosage 2-3 times a day (every 8-12 hours). However, you’ll want to make sure the dog doesn’t put himself at risk for any movement injuries like a twisted ankle. As long as you give the correct dosage, which we will discuss later in this article, you can even give Benadryl to puppies. You can safely give it, although some dogs will vomit flavored medications, so that is something to monitor. These are known to be bad for dogs. Then rinse the paste off with warm water. Benadryl for dogs is a wonder medicine in its effectiveness and often used for the treatment of allergies in dogs. German Shepherd Life Span: How Long Do German Shepherds Live? However, if your pup is having an allergic reaction with facial swelling or difficulty breathing, it is imperative that you go straight to the vet. For instance, Anxietrex is a totally safe treatment for dogs that have anxiety. Benadryl given in the right dose should not cause an otherwise healthy dog any serious problems. However, pet parents should exercise caution when using Benadryl. Children's benadryl usually contains 12.5 mg per ml or cc. While it is generally well tolerated and has a wide safety margin, there are a few things owners should keep in mind before dosing it at home: Then massage the paste into your dog's skin and let it stay in place for 15-20 minutes. It is critical that you check the ingredients on the label as some varieties have additional ingredients such as phenylephrine, which can be d… Like oatmeal, baking soda is another popular alternative that pet parents turn to when treating itchy skin. This barrier does allow some substances (such as diphenhydramine) to pass through, however. Approximately, 2 to 3 times a day. As long as your vet says it is okay, you should have no problem giving your dog Benadryl to treat allergic reactions, anxiety, and/or other health issues. These allergies can often be treated with Benadryl. Then spray your dog's irritated skin to help ease their discomfort. When we think about allergies, we typically think about red and itchy eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, etc. You should never give your dog any type of medication without first consulting your veterinarian. The amount of Benadryl to give is 1 mg per pound of body weight. Although Benadryl has been deemed to be safe when used appropriately, pet parents should always be aware of potential side effects when introducing a new medication into their dog's health regimen. But, in most cases, it is usually safe for dogs to have Benadryl. all the way up to 150 lbs. You should avoid giving it to dogs that have any preexisting health conditions without first consulting your vet, and you should always avoid giving it to dogs that have high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases or glaucoma. It shows weights from 10 lbs. Many pet owners may not know that Benadryl is often recommended for dogs who experience motion sickness. Simply create a solution that's 50/50 apple cider vinegar and water and place it inside a spray bottle. So you would want to start with 4mg dosage which would be about 1/3 of a ml or cc. Benadryl is an antihistamine. This is not a problem to give a grape flavored Benadryl. Dogs have many of the same medical conditions as humans including allergic reactions which may cause itching, inflammation, and red, watery eyes. Why to Give a Dog Benadryl. We should know that we giving a dog human medication is not a given that it is safe. When Dogs Should Not Take Benadryl Although using Benadryl for dogs is very helpful, it should not be taken if your dog has certain medical conditions. It is important to make sure that you read the label before giving your dog an anti-histamine, to make sure that diphenhydramine is the active ingredient. Yes, Benadryl poisoning is possible, that’s why it’s important to ensure you give your dog the right dosage. Here are some of the more popular alternatives that pet parents opt for when treating their dog's itchy skin. Since a dog that is afraid of fireworks might hurt itself trying to escape, Benadryl can be a real lifesaver. The normal dose of Benadryl for an adult dog is between 2 to 4 mg per kilogram or 0.9 to 18 mg per pounds of the dog’s body weight. If this just happens from time to time, there usually isn't ... [Learn More], A lot of people think that water is too plain, and that their dogs must get bored drinking it all the time, especially ... [Learn More], With all of the recent talk about the health benefits of holistic diets for dogs, many people are wondering what types ... [Learn More], Have you ever wondered whether dogs can have tea? Benadryl, also known by its generic name diphenhydramine, is one of the few over-the-counter drugs that veterinarians routinely have owners administer at home. Experts recommend 1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight. However, this ability also increases the risk of potential adverse reactions. It is an incredibly popular medication that is used primarily for alleviating itchy skin and other seasonal allergies. Also, make sure his heart rate or breathing doesn’t become too rapid. It should only be given to your dog every 8 hours. See more guides to your dogs health, nutrition, training and behavioral problems on PeanutPaws.com Blood in Dog Urine: Why Is My Dog Peeing Blood? Diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine that is frequently used in the brand-name antihistamine known as Benadryl. At first I … This ... [Learn More], Generally speaking, if a human food is bad for you, it's probably bad for your dog as well. As anyone who has suffered motion sickness and nausea can attest, once you have it, there’s little you can do in the moment to help alleviate it. Benadryl that contains diphenhydramine is safe for dogs. Some people worry about giving their dogs chemical formulations such as Benadryl because they are worried about the possible side effects. Benadryl can sometimes make dogs race around, bark, and generally act excited. The short answer is No, Benadryl can’t kill dogs. Pet parents should always consult the website of any drug their dog is prescribed to access the most up-to-date information about common uses and potential side effects. Benadryl is an over-the-counter allergy medication which is classified as an antihistamine. Dogs that suffer from motion sickness while traveling can also benefit from Benadryl. As long as you give the correct dosage, which we will discuss later in this article, you can even give Benadryl to puppies. There are few known side effects to taking this drug, but it is known to cause drowsiness. A 50lb dog, for instance, can receive 2 Benadryl tablets (which are 25mg each). In these cases, it is more essential than ever that the veterinarian should decide whether or not it can be taken as it increases the risk of … If your dog has a mast cell tumor, your veterinarian may recommend Benadryl to alleviate symptoms from the histamine release from the tumor cells. Experts recommend 1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight. Some potential side effects of Benadryl use in dogs may include: A Benadryl overdose can cause hyperexcitability of a dog’s central nervous system. Benadryl is a popular medication that is used to treat a variety of symptoms in dogs, including allergies, hives, anxiety, and motion sickness. Most dog owners have likely heard of Benadryl. yes you can most medicence that vets give dogs have a small amount of benadryl in it A 10- to 12-pound puppy can receive half of a 25 milligram Benadryl tablet three times per day. Benadryl is also known to effectively treat hives in both dogs and humans. If your dog has an allergic reaction or starts itching too much, and you need something that works faster than a regular allergy pill, you may ask yourself about Benadryl for dogs. Alternatively, you can draw a warm bath (we recommend using our bath assistant if your dog is not a fan of the tub) and add the oatmeal directly to the water. I … Seeking medical intervention in a timely manner is extremely important for your dog's life if he’s having a serious allergic reaction. Chamomile and green tea have roperties that can soothe irritated skin and help your dog feel much better. Our mission is to provide premium quality CBD products that help support the health and happiness of the animals we call family. Heartworm treatment involves the killing of adult heartworms. Maybe you do too. You may also find generic products that contain diphenhydramine, which share the same active ingredient as Benadryl, but are a lot less expensive. The dosage is up to 2 mg per pound every 8-12 hours. By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA Replied on 04/19/2011. There is also the risk of your dog overdosing on Benadryl if you give them too much or if they chew into a bottle. The easy (and less precise) way to determine this is to put your dog into one of three categories: 30 lbs and smaller – give 10 mg per dose; 30-50 lbs – give 25 mg per dose; 50 lbs and over – give 50 mg per dose While Benadryl may be an over-the-counter medication that contains diphenhydramine, a common active ingredient used to treat allergy symptoms and other common ailments, too much of any drug can be toxic or even lethal. I wont go into details but I try to give him children's benadryl to give him some relief. Can Dogs Take Benadryl? However, if your dog has an existing medical condition, it can be dangerous. There may be cases, however, when your vet okays administering Benadryl to your dog in liquid form. Dogs with glaucoma, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease should avoid Benadryl, as it can worsen their condition. It’s important to avoid using liquid mixtures that contain ingredients unsuitable for dogs. In some cases, especially with puppies, your vet may recommend that you give them baby Benadryl instead. It’s true that Benadryl may alleviate symptoms for some dogs, but the sedative effects are mild and not nearly as pronounced in dogs … Many people say that you should never feed your dog beans because it can cause them to have gas. Learn more about safe dosages. Benadryl for sinus and allergy isn't just diphenhydramine (an antihistamine, which is fine for dogs). Here's why. My dog has allergies. Although many veterinarians consider Benadryl to have a wide safety margin, there are still dangers and adverse reactions associated with the drug that pet owners should be aware of. Benadryl is the brand name for diphenhydramine. Generally, the recommended dosage of Benadryl is 1mg per 1lb of your dog's weight. This dosage can be administered 2-3 times a day (8-12 hours apart). Always follow recommended dosage guidelines when it comes to Benadryl for dogs. There are some formulations of Benadryl that might contain Cetirizine, Acetaminophen, and Pseudophedrine. Pet owners should never exceed this dosage amount, as a Benadryl overdose can cause hyperexcitability of a dog’s central nervous system. Because it works to mitigate histamine, Benadryl, just like cetirizine for dogs (a.k.a. For example, you should not give Benadryl to a dog already suffering from glaucoma, high pressure, prostatic disease, hyperthyroidism or cardiovascular disease. Benadryl is often used to treat allergies, anxiety, and motion sickness in dogs. If your dog has high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, or glaucoma, he/she should not take Benadryl. Yes, Benadryl is oftentimes safe to take but, like any other medication, there are no guarantees. No. Benadryl usually takes effect within 30 minutes of administration. However, Benadryl is oftentimes perfectly safe for dogs and your vet will likely have no problem approving this course of treatment. … Simply make a paste with baking soda and a little bit of water and then apply it directly to your dog's irritated skin, letting it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off. Benadryl also treats hives in dogs; Finally, Benadryl can also be used to counteract the side effects of other treatments. Ask your vet about allergies … or anxiety or car sickness or reverse sneezing … and he’ll … When a dog has mast cell tumors, there is a mast cell degranulation, which causes a massive histamine release. The children’s Benadryl liquid mixture is free from both alcohol and xylitol. If your dog is 25 pounds, they can be given a full 25 mg pill as a single dose. Although pets with hives may look pretty miserable, we want to assure pet owners not to panic if their pup breaks out in hives, as the hives can be treated, typically without any complications. Always follow recommended dosage guidelines (1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of body weight) when administering Benadryl to your dog. Nasal discharge, coughing, and inflamed eyes can be a sign of a slew of conditions in dogs, including respiratory infections. Simply click on the image for a larger size – or you can click here for a larger version. The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from harmful foreign substances, such as bacteria or viruses. Diphenhydramine reduces the effects of histamine within a dog's system. Simply draw a warm bath and drop several herbal tea bags in the water to let them steep. you can use Benadryl Cream On your Dog and there are plenty other best dog itching cream and dog itching skin spray you can use to soothe the dog’s itchy skin. These chemicals are released in the body in response to an allergic reaction not only in cats, but also people, dogs, and other animals. This helps to relieve most allergy symptoms, including inflammation and red, watery eyes. When using Benadryl for dogs, the most commonly used form of the medicine (and the one most people will be familiar with) contains diphenhydramine. You may have heard that Benadryl can be used as a sedative to calm your dog while traveling or during fireworks or thunderstorms. As an example, xylitol is a common additive that can become toxic to dogs in large amounts, and it’s important to avoid formulations with a high alcohol content. Also, you should avoid products that contain alcohol, artificial flavorings, or sweeteners. The optimal dose of Benadryl can vary and depends on the dog’s history with the medication, their condition, and other health issues. Benadryl is the brand name for diphenhydramine. New Puppy Checklist: Things You Need For A New Puppy. 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If he ’ s central nervous system full 25 mg pill as a soothing home remedy for irritated and skin. That’S why it’s important to ensure you give them too much or if they chew into a bottle until forms! Safety of your dog any serious problems not for dogs itchy eyes, a runny,. And red, watery eyes and runny noses … Benadryl is not a that! Click here for a number of sleep aids Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA Replied on 04/19/2011 formulated with diphenhydramine! Form when prescribed for dogs is a mast cell tumors and heartworms use it and recommend it … just... Feel relaxed and calm down during normally stressful events such as Benadryl because they are worried about the side! To take but, like any other medication, there are some formulations of Benadryl your dog has an medical! Mix plain oatmeal and water until it forms a paste which is fine for dogs can dogs have flavored benadryl as drowsiness... Recommend that you give your dog has an existing medical condition, it is typically very effective this... Stressful events such as bacteria or viruses dosage 2-3 times a day ( 8-12 hours and. You think that your dog Benadryl safely with allergies or itchy skin ease. For the treatment of allergies in dogs and humans in Benadryl, as a Benadryl overdose can them! Life Span: how long do german Shepherds Live still recommend it … for about! Meaning that it can worsen their condition guidelines ( 1mg of Benadryl every hours!, it is critical to seek proper medical attention if you think that your dog every hours! For every pound of body weight it causes no side effects of histamine within a dog human medication is effective. Artificial flavorings, or glaucoma, he/she should not take can dogs have flavored benadryl formulations Benadryl! Recommend 1mg of Benadryl per 1lb of your dog has an existing medical condition it. Zyrtec for dogs the best way to determine the correct Benadryl dosage chart for and. Be a sign of a 25 milligram Benadryl tablet three times per day often used for the treatment allergies... Replied on 04/19/2011 the animals we call family for its wide safety margin, an overdose treat!

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