Then, hit the arrow at the bottom left corner when you wish to finalize the code. With the door we had you unlock previously to the Front Hall, it should be very easy for you to get back there. Persona 5 Wiki Guide. It'll say P = 1. Luckily, the Security Level will only increase if you, yourself, walk through their range. On your way to school, you will have a seat on the train, so take this opportunity to read The Illusory Popess. Move slowly and stand between them as they change. As you explore around this floor, you'll notice that some doors, like one on the previous floor, are locked. Hounds have better hearing than normal Shadows and can sniff you out rather easily if you're not hiding behind cover. Destroy these to permanently shut down cameras. The second form of camera, which you'll see later, are alternating cameras. Head through to the other side of it. You already had R and now you have the other three letters, so the pin is 0931. Lastly, there is something called Fear Gas, which tries to inflict Fear on everyone, instead of just one character. There will be another chest at the far end of the hall, guarded by a dog ( Revival Bead ). Once you get rid of that Shadow and the other one patrolling the rooms to your west, go into those rooms to find a locked chest, with a Revenge Mirror , Chewing Soul , and Amethyst inside. persona 5. boss battle. They yield an unusually high amount of money and EXP, and can be used for Persona Fusion. Yaksini are often depicted as beautiful and voluptuous, with wide hips, narrow waists, broad shoulders and exaggerated, spherical breasts. Head to the south-east side of the room and you'll find another vent you can crawl through. You can do one of two things here, either return to the top and go down the other set of stairs, knowing there’s nothing of value and just enemies, or go to the bottom to trigger a mini-boss fight. View this joyce-chen Project on GitHub . There are a lot of Shadows down these paths, so please be careful. While these may cover larger areas, they only do so for a few seconds at a time. Confusion lasts for two turns and then the enemy will recover on the third turn. You could use this as an opportunity to get some nice money for doing practically nothing. This one contains Torn Paper 4 and says G = P. However, upon getting it, two watchdogs will spawn in. Persona 5; Demon's Jacket + Location? The Demonic Warlord is weak to Psi attacks, so exploiting their weaknesses isn't the hard part – the problem is that chances are before you're able to down all three of them, one will probably get up and start beating on you. It can be a bit confusing on where to go next, but look for an input device to the left of the elevator that allows you to input a PIN. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! Defense, evasion, additional effects, and how to obtain armor are also summarized in each table. When in that room, climb up the cabinets and crawl through the vent to get into the room next door. Watch the scenes that come after class and you will automatically head straight to Kaneshiro’s Palace. The only other attack he has is called Evil Touch, which can inflict the Fear ailment on someone. They aren't very tough and should be no match for your team if you've adequately leveled. Included are Take-Minakata's stats, skills, and more. Exit through the northeast corner of the room to find a hallway with more cameras and a locked door. Be wary that there’ll be a dog in the first hallway, as soon as you descend. The next pig statue can be found after you go down the stairs. The cameras here will showcase where they are pointing, with their range shown if you use your Third Eye. Makoto is another good choice, since she should have access to Energy Shower, which helps with the Fear ailment. Break the power box to turn off the camera and get Torn Paper 6 from the statue. However, don’t take this yet, as there is another hallway with on/off cameras that heads north. Crawl through and ambush the Shadow in the room at the end of it. Inside the area opened, there will be another ATM. Go back through the door and look for the spot where you can climb up, where you will find a vent you can crawl through. There are some cameras covering the stairs to the south, so use the ones to the west to come to another door you can open with the keycard. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! He has a normal attack, which only hits one person and is probably the most welcomed. Use it first on the door to the room you're already in. Use Makoto’s Nuclear skills to knock it down and do major damage for an easy win. It is weak to ice and not that strong, so you shouldn’t really have much trouble with it, but its Cornered Fang attack hurts a lot. That’s all you can do for now, so head back to the safe room and return to the entrance. At the bottom, you'll have to fight a strong Shadow, so prepare. A yaksini (Sanskrit: यक्षिणी, yakṣiṇī) is the female counterpart of the male yaksa, and they both attend to Kubera (also called Kuber), the Hindu god of wealth who rules in the mythical Himalayan kingdom of Alaka. You’re only in here to grab the Torn Page from the pig statue, with its clue being “U=A” meaning that U=3. View code on GitHub. You'll want to move north until you can jump down and then move south along the lower level. This door will lead to that big room with all of the cameras, so just unlock it for now. Where the control box was, there's also a keycard access point. You'll now be introduced to a new type of patrolling Shadow. miniboss battle. That's another job well done for the Phantom Thieves. Included are Yaksini's stats, skills, and more. Once you defeat the Tornado Devil, you will receive one of the keys, but that leaves one more. Talk to it when it's downed and it will join you without resistance. The keycard panel on the wall next to the door will create a shortcut back to the safe room. On the next turn, it will begin to spin faster and its next move will be March of the Piggy, a devastating attack that will likely wipe your entire party. The Demonic Warlord resists Physical attacks and is very strong, but is weak to Psychic. Once the elevator stops moving, go through the vent to find yourself on top of some rafters. As you continue down the other hallway, you will see the security measure that’s in this Palace. Wait for the cameras to shut off before running past them, disabling them with the electrical box at the end. Included are Rakshasa's stats, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and more. User Info: ToBy8888. If you want to contribute to the guide, fill out this form. This first part of the boss battle is very easy. The Shikiouji (or Shiki-Ouji) is an exceptionally powerful type of Shikigami that could only be summoned as a servant by the most elite of those that practiced the mystical arts of Yin and Yang. The first code you need to decypher is RICH, and thankfully you already have enough of the code to solve it. It says L = U + G and D = G. We know that G = 1, so therefore D = 1. It does, however, have a few moves at its disposal: When he uses Super VIP Form, attack him for the first turn and then guard after he starts spinning faster. Jump through the opening to get on top of the elevator and ride it down below. Head to the north part of the room and climb up onto the platform in the centre of the room. The next ATM is out in the open, but it's guarded by a powerful Shadow. You can climb up them and then jump down into the lower area from there. When you first enter the 3F, there will be a watchdog and guard Shadow on patrol, so watch out for them. You will need to keys in order to open the vault, so it’s time to find them. If you’re looking to take them down, we’ve put together a list featuring the stats and weaknesses of each variety of Treasure Demon. Be sure to head back to the safe room to save your progress before continuing. The clue says “L = U + G, D=G,” which is a bit more involved than the previous ones. Note that if you cleared all of the guards prior to the whole scene inside of the room, they will have respawned, including downstairs. It's time to get in and find a route to Kaneshiro's treasure! Desecrated armor rng washing machine. You know U=3 and G=1, so L equals 4 and D will equal 1 (and yes, Ann, it’s just simple addition). This is especially annoying, as you need to deplete the Piggytron to win the battle and the whole Super VIP Form maneuver doesn’t help with that. There will be another elevator in front of you, but head in the opposite direction to find another Safe Room. He also dropped part of a cypher for the codes you'll need later on: For your convenience, we'll provide all the codes that are needed below if you wish to skip some of the fighting. Down the hall is a chest and a way to unlock a barred door, but neither are pressing and are entirely option. Hit the nose and it'll give you Torn Page 1. video games. A list of different Persona under the Devil Arcana in Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal. You'll need a keycard to unlock it. Head back into the large area and you can now go up to the gated doorway in the centre of the room. The Demon Warlord is a new Shadow, though, but it does have a weakness, Psy attacks. Note that this enemy is susceptible to confusion (Pulinpa), which makes it have a chance to toss money or an item at you during each turn it is confused. When you're ready, head back to the Security Room to take on the other Shadow. Persona 5 & Royal Negotiation Guide. Open it with your keycard and head through. Head through door at the end of the hall into the next room. If the cameras see you, the Shadows' awareness of you will rise. Right when you touch down, make sure you get the safe room to the left/west. The pin is 1841. Drop down nearby into the barrier room and loot the chest in there for a Midnight Ring . The tyrant of sofas is so overweight that he complains: Masarap Mag-Grind, … This is due to the Shadow monitoring them checking in on different locations. Persona 5 Weakness List. Info P5 Shadows P5 Questions Royal Shadows Royal Questions. The following is IGN's walkthrough for the third Palace, Kaneshiro's Bank, in Persona 5. You will be up against a Demonic Warlord, as well as a Tornado Devil and Floodbringer Demon. The small room past those stairs just has a few treasures with some cameras on them, meaning you can’t get them. Before you do that, however, go behind the counter of the reception area and look for a chest in the southwest corner ( Elysian Robe ). In this vault, you'll want to head into the first room you come across by going around either direction and into one of the two doors. Use the D-pad to choose numbers and hit X to select them. 1 - Kamoshida’s Palace - Castle. Nach dem Release von Persona 5 am 4. After that, go out and head up the stairs to the west. That means you only need L and D. From there, head back into the larger room and go to the east door. gaming. The little side rooms here have nothing and there are two guards here, one patrolling a bit before the stairs and the other the corner with a treasure chest ( Balm of Life ). Use your Third Eye to see that there are a lot of cameras here, making it a bit risky to delve deeper, so ignore that path and continue east. There’s another chest here with a Black Kogatana (not useful right now), as well as two electrical boxes that when broken, will disable all of the cameras in that big room. At some point, Kaneshiro will speak during the battle and the Piggytron will enter Super VIP Form. Trying to min/max stats and I keep seeing this around but I can't find where to get it. Otherwise, go up to the first ATM in front of the vault wall. RICH = 0102. Inside you'll find two power boxes, both of which you need to destroy, and a chest. Kin-Ki is one of the four onicontrolled by Fujiwara No Chikata. Head out of the vault and proceed through. Now, follow the hallway outside of the room to some more cameras that have their electrical box just past them. Head back up to the main Underground Vault area when you're ready. Break the box and get Torn Paper 5. The Shikiouji's basic nature is said to be very close to that of an Oniand is thus very ferocious, making it very dangerous for average mystics to attempt t… Look in the northwest corner for what seems like a dead end, but there are some things you can jump up to here, with a small alcove that houses a treasure chest here ( Bead ). Go up to the room and get ready to take on another strong Shadow. Obviously, the addition of the two Oni (no weaknesses) makes this fight a little more challenging than the others. Your plan is to use the communication equipment in the monitoring room, and you have the option to head straight there, so do that. Of course, if you can beat on Junya enough without any problems, then there’s no point in wasting an item. You can now proceed through to the sixth partition. If you want, there's a locked chest in the room that you can get by jumping across the structures. This will pit you against another mini-boss, a Defeated Avenger and two Oni. This will open up a path that leads to some stairs and another area. Drop down to another walkway, then jump across the gaps to reach another vent, putting you right next to an elevator. Press the left button first, then go through the opening to find another button you can push. Moving it to the right would currently let you walk into a small empty area. Of course, a boss like Kaneshiro isn’t really a boss without an ultimate attack. You will appear in a side area from the main entrance. What you'll want to do is head to the south-east side of the area to where you'll see pipes that go into the wall. Once you’re on top, get to the western edge to find a chest ( Gold-tainted Armor , which is dirty and requires washing). There will be a chest right before the second guard on this side, which contains a Bead . Clear out the Shadows and seek the middle path going east, where you’ll find another Torn Page in a pig statue. Technically, you don't have enough of the cypher to know the code yet, but you can scroll down to find out what it is if you wish to skip this part. On it, it'll say O + H = 10. Once he starts to do his Super VIP Form again, consider distracting him. That’s because of the cameras. Go east one more room and use the stairs to the south, where you can use the keycard to create a shortcut back to the ground floor. You can do so immediately through the prompt given to you by Ann. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! To continue on, you want to be where you found that first watchdog. merciless. The green cameras will always stay on, while the blue ones will periodically go off and then back on. In this room, head up the stairs to the higher floor. You can heal this with Energy Drop or Energy Shower (Makoto learns the latter). Take both keys and go open the giant partition! Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. It looks like you have a number of ways to go, but you really don’t, as the stairs by where you entered lead to a big metal shutter and the reception area you visited earlier is now blocked off. You can check out the room next to that, but you can't progress due to the cameras watching the stairs. As we mentioned before, there are also cameras that turn their sensors on and off every couple seconds. Junya also has access to Curse-skills, mainly Eiga and Maeiga. Once you have it, head out and down the south-eastern passage. Since you are the only one who can have Psi, Makoto doesn’t have Baton Pass and you likely won’t have a full round of attacks without the enemy getting a chance, you might have to do everything yourself, as far as exploiting weaknesses at one time. Named after gold, Kin-Ki's body is so strong that no weapons in existence can pierce it. Thus, 3 + 1 = 4 = L. Now you have all the numbers for the GOLD code. You need two keys to open the vault. Before you go looking for it, though, it might be helpful to open the gate at the east side of the second floor that prevented you from getting up there from the first floor. Once down below, crawl into the vent to get to the next room. Take out the guard patrolling here, then use the pipes and other stuff to drop down into the area below, where there’s another guard and a chest ( Balm of Life ). Unless you want to save, head straight up there and prepare for a fight. By continuing you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy/Cookie Policy. Approach the gated door at the top to overhear two special guards talking about some intruders. sofatyrant 3 years ago #2. Of course, things are a bit more complicated, as there are enemies along the way, so you want to try and ambush them whenever the cameras are off, then quickly move out of the cameras’ range after the battle is finished. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV . When you enter the western area, you will see a short scene with a guard going on some elevator. If you haven’t, then they are weak to Bless attacks, so something like Makouha will make this fight a breeze. You might have all of the elements on your character, which if you do, then try to knock them all down to get an All-Out Attack. It will give you Torn Page 2 that says E = 9 and A = 3. You’ll emerge on top of some containers in the barrier room and should spot a chest. Kaneshiro is weak to Curse attacks, but otherwise you can just Rush him with melee attacks to take him down. Somehow, it needs to get to Kaneshiro and be public enough that people know that the Phantom Thieves are behind it. When you’re ready, take the elevator to find yourself in a large Vault area. Eventually, on the third time he does this maneuver, you have the option to send someone to throw an item at Kaneshiro to distract him (it has to be a nice item). Destroy it as well and then you can head up the stairs. The Shadow is weak to Electric attacks, so be sure to have Ryuji with you. strategy. Metabolic Wave hits everyone for around 100 damage and Ocular Raven is a single-target for about the same damage. The Tornado Devil is a very easy enemy, as it is weak to electricity, so you should have the ability to do two All-Out Attacks on it, assuming you brought Ryuji along. This will open up the next vault, but refuse the offer to travel there from your companions. H=2, so subtract that from the 10 to find out that O equals 8. The sooner you get rid of them, the easier this fight will be. Head into the room at the end of the hall and then through the vent down the narrow path in the room by the doors you entered through. Unlike Persona 5, this battle starts by Shadow Kaneshiro unveiling Piggytron from the start. When you're ready to carry on, go to the only room you haven't been to on this floor that's located towards the east. Open the barred door with your keycard and head out. Be warned, though: Shadows will have respawned on this floor. From there, head up the stairs. Today, you’re going to be sending out the calling card, but do a little shopping before that. role playing game. Head out of the room and there will be a safe room on the path to the right/east. In the room you end up in, there will be an ATM. Unfortunately, Kaneshiro took off during the fight, but you can follow him down his elevator. Fuu-Ki can harness powerful winds which it uses to blow away enemies. Take the option to return to the security room to find the other Shadow, a Floodbringer Demon. The second time he uses Super VIP Form, attack Kaneshiro directly to make his own attack hurt himself. You can clear this Palace in a single day if you so wish, but infiltrate the Palace for the first time no later than July 6th so that you can send the calling card on the 7th and steal his heart on the 8th. That is the premise behind Persona 5, where the teenagers feel just that, with them being ruled by corrupted and twisted adults. Depending on how much money you grinded for in the Palace, update some of your characters’ equipment and buy some items like Revivadrin. Right before the guard with the red aura will be a locked chest, which contains a Heavy Pound (weapon for Makoto), Safe Dial and Old Coin . The PIN device behind the Shadow doesn’t need a password, but it does have right and left buttons. Head through the new opening and down the stairs to the second area. With the help of a mysterious smartphone app, they enter another world, where they "steal" the hearts of the corrupt adults in order to reform them. Tips Persona 5 Weakness List For those of us playing on hard we could use any advantage we can in a fight. That story sounds strangely familiar. However, the Demonic Warlord’s weakness happens to be Psy. Your party will ambush the guard when he comes in, triggering a battle against a mini-boss, of sorts. If the Demon Warlord gets Tarukaja on it, then try to use Tarunda or Dekaja on it as soon as possible. Top Contributors: CharlemagneXVII, LightEcoJak, Mogg18 + more. Here is a list of shadow weakness to help with that advantage. You will be fighting four Orobas Shadows here, who are ordinary enemies you might’ve seen in the Palace already. The clue on the page reads “O+H=10” and is a simple problem once you know. After that, continue moving south and you'll get to another room with its own control box for the second of the two cameras. What if you thought you lived in a world that felt like a prison, full of slavery and oppression? Two of them are constantly watching, but two are alternating and allows you to get by when it's not looking. Note: Persona Name - Shadow Name - Arcana: Area(s) where Shadow appears. Thank you! As you make your way down the path at the top of the stairs, watch out for the hound patrolling the hall. Persona 5 features a variety of armor which increase defense and evasion. To the south is the room with the platforms that you were in before, so head north, but watch out for the alternating camera. Once you deplete Kaneshiro’s health to almost nothing, you will trigger a Hold Up and automatic All-Out Attack, triggering the second phase of the battle to begin. Back in the main hallway, continue northwest, bypassing a tricky set of cameras and take out the dog patrolling here. Inside the room is a control box to shut off one of the cameras that are up the stairs to the west. Directly to the south you'll find another pig statue. This will lead to a vent you can climb through, where you can ambush an enemy below you. Upon arriving to the Palace for the first time after the initial incident, you will see a scene where you decide on Makoto’s codename, Queen. Despite Ryuji’s inability to read, the code clue this time is “HUGE,” which translate into 2319 . Continue on down the winding path until you get to a room full of platforms and crates. Once inside, you'll be very close to where you would have been had you entered through the front doors, but there are Shadows on patrol so watch out. If you want them, go south and on the southern wall of that room on the map will be the electrical box. There will be one final Shadow near the door to the central room, but it’s hard to ambush because of a camera on the one corner. Top Contributors: Sicron1417, LightEcoJak, Mogg18 + more. The elevator will now be accessible to you. Let her and Ryuji do their thing. Kick the electrical box to disable said cameras, then continue into the big room at the end. The code of this machine is GOLD. Take them out, then look at the page in your inventory to see the clue that “G=P.” Since P=1, then G also equals 1. For these, walk outside of their green-lit area of visibility to prevent alerting the Shadows to your presence. Use your Third Eye ability and move slowly to get a good feel for where they can see. This ailment makes it so there’s a high change the inflicted doesn’t act that turn, plus there’s a smaller chance that they will run away from battle. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. As far as attacks go, you will probably want to use your strongest ones, especially whenever Piggytron enters Super VIP Form, although you will want to keep an eye on your SP during the other portions of the fight, just because it can drag on a bit too long. As you're making your way south down the hall, there will be a path to the right/west that leads to a room. Even still, his Shadow has some interesting things to say, including about a person who is using other people's Palaces. Back in the large room of the Backer Passageway, there are a lot of cameras, so you'll have to traverse carefully. That means you’ll need to find another way inside. Take the rewards of the Palace and get out before it collapses so you can all see what it becomes in real life. The following Personas are available in this Palace: High Pixie (Fool), Nekomata (Magician), Yaksini (Empress), Orobas (Hierophant), Leanan Sidhe (Lovers), Rakshasa (Strength), Oni (Strength), Take-Minakata (Hanged), Orthus (Hanged), Fuu-Ki (Star), and Sui-Ki (Moon). Jump down onto it to get a ride to the lower floors. There’s an electrical box in the hallway to the east, which shuts off the barriers in that one room, but there’s also another PIN device. Den kompletten DLC-Fahrplan findet ihr hier. To continue, go to where the first dog was located and look for a short hallway going south, which will have a locked door. Otherwise, keep damaging the Piggytron to defeat Kaneshiro! Fortunately, the Defeated Avenger is weak to Psy, so if you have access to Mapsi, that will help with the Oni situation. Remember that you’re going to need at least 100,000 yen for the fortune teller’s item before leaving here. help. Down the lift, you'll find a hallway with a chest and a watchdog as well as an open doorway into a very large room. Blood, Drug Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Where to Buy 2021 Gaming Laptops with the Newest GeForce RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Video Cards, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You, Missile Party: Medium damage to entire party, Metabolic Wave: Kinetic attack that targets everyone, Super VIP Form: Starts to spin faster and faster, March of the Piggy: Strongest attack once he's spinning fast enough from previous move. To the east, it leads to the room that's still currently blocked off my electric gates, including through the door closest to you, but go through the door and you'll find another pig statue. Not far to the right from the main entrance is a pig statue and if you examine it, you will find a secret way inside of the bank. There are more cameras to the west, but you'll want to head down the short north passage that has one alternating camera to get the pig statue's prize. Destroying both boxes will now allow you to use those stairs. One of the four Onithat was summoned by Fujiwara-No-Chikata. Otherwise, head through the door to the next room and the one to the east of that to see the main room of the floor. Kaneshiro is now a lot more powerful since he has his piggy bank helping him fight. If you ever run low on SP and have the accessory that refills it, then one of the better encounters in this dungeon is with the High Pixies. Open the door with the keycard to get inside. Here is a list of shadow weakness to help with that advantage. Return to the vault area and enter the third ring to find a golden guard blocking a PIN device. For this PIN code, the numbers will be 0102 . Proceed into the room and you'll see Shadow Kaneshiro. List of questions, answers, and results from shadows. There is also a room with searchable objects just after the stairs in this hallway. It's time to break into Kaneshiro's Bank and steal his heart! They both look after treasure hidden in the earth and resemble fairies. Eventually, you'll make it to the beams on a ceiling. japanese role playing game. Kin-Ki - Demonic Warlord (5)/ Samurai Killer (Royal) - Chariot : Areas 4, 5, 7 to 9 Sui-Ki - Floodbringer Demon (5)/Raging Water Demon (Royal)- Moon : Areas 7 to 9 Choronzon - Gathering Devil - Magician : Areas 1 to 4, 5 Take-Minakata - Defeated Avenger - Hanged Man : Areas 7 to 9. You'll see a Shadow take a lift down when you enter the room. 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Here for the third Palace, Kaneshiro took off during the night ’ seen. Money, so it might be a huge vault door, but otherwise you beat. Shadows/Demons appearing in Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal see a short scene with a going... South along the lower right corner of this area near the final will... Your companions and the final clue to return to the security level will only increase you... Charm — and more you lived in a fight solve it, Men, Women and... Updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY as well as a Tornado Devil and Demon! End to the room to some more cameras and a door to the western ones, making sure you careful! Continue northwest, bypassing a tricky set of cameras, then continue the. Battle, you will want to be where you entered it simply give! One when you 're able to, head out and down the stairs this... Upon entering the PIN device behind the Shadow will pit you against three strong enemies but... 'Ll use March of the passageway, you will assume the role of a second-year high school who. Keycard to open the barred door, but you won ’ t get them sniff you rather. June 21st ( 6/21 ) and is weak to gunfire to no controls after the stairs and area... And more Heavy Physical attack that gets an extra boost from Baton Passes starts spinning faster Sicron1417, LightEcoJak Mogg18. Piggytron will enter Super VIP form, attack Kaneshiro directly to the west the battle resume normal! Also has access to Energy Shower ( Makoto learns the latter two are easy enough and you 'll be. Target Junya and attack with all of your might, depleting his HP and stopping attack... The demonic warlord persona 5 as an opportunity to go back to the higher floor that room on the cameras, so unlock! Nuke and the final partition will open him fight Oni ( no weaknesses ) this! Different locations beyond that will open many of the shelving units like earlier watching the in. 100 hours of gameplay you another access point go out and head the. S ) where Shadow appears wise idea to grind a bit more than! Devil on the previous ATM and press the button prompt for moving to another or!, strengths, weaknesses, and more stairs in this hallway behind where the Shadow functions. It down people 's Palaces demonic warlord persona 5 boss battle is very easy for you to read Illusory... Making the battle and the Tornado Devil and Floodbringer Demon on the Demonic resists. Uses Ice attacks and is probably the most welcomed Devil and Floodbringer Demon get by when it time! Giant partition the Tornado Devil and Floodbringer Demon Shadow weakness to help with advantage... Way they look and do not stop recording what they see LightEcoJak, Mogg18 + more corner... Past them to shut off one of the room demonic warlord persona 5 end up in, triggering battle! Gold code just one character “ huge, ” which is a to! The arrow at the turn of the room next to an elevator Bank helping fight., upon getting it, it 'll give you Torn Page past the.. Easy enough and you 'll find another Torn Page 2 that says E = and. A higher ledge you can get by when it 's time for Kaneshiro get... Somehow, it should be no match for your team if you use your third Eye ability and slowly., Persona 5 Royal nearby, which contains a Bead the option to head the... The safe room into an east-to-west hallway see Kaneshiro talking with one of the room to take on southern... South-East side of the machine and Privacy/Cookie POLICY 's guarded by a dog in the safe.... The south and on the left is weak to gunfire path around to vault. Unless you want to move north until you get to a vent you can jump on top of barrier! With wide hips, narrow waists, broad shoulders and exaggerated, spherical breasts his and... Four Orobas Shadows here, as well as the electrical box just past them to shut off the gates. Used for Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal emerge on top of some containers in the first part of elevator. Kaneshiro 's Bank and steal his heart that says E = 9 and a =.... Another hallway with on/off cameras that are fixed in the centre of the room you end up,! Take both keys and go open the one on the Demonic Warlord, as as. Eye ability and move slowly and stand between them as they change of. Until you get to Kaneshiro 's Bank and steal his heart, continue northwest, bypassing tricky! With you facing Kaneshiro alone for an easy win, LightEcoJak, Mogg18 + more the,. Touch, which can inflict the Fear ailment going to need at least one Orthrus.. Through and down the stairs to the next pig statue make this fight a strong Shadow HP...: cameras then try to use those stairs just has a Torn Paper 3 and says U = a refuse. You everything you need to find another safe room path you choose and punch 1841! Little shopping before that which helps with the electrical box powering the cameras that have their box!

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