Dextroamphetamine has a time to peak concentration of 60 to 160 minutes and is metabolized in the liver. It would be prudent to speak to your doctor before using both medications together. I have a bad cold and had to get the "real" Sudafed to help with my sinuses and my symptoms. Thanks for the info. Which isnt really the case, and wasnt the case for me. There are many instances online of folks with ADHD self-medicating with pseudoephedrine, generally when they've run out of their script meds and are away from home or about to travel, so need a short term solution before they can get another script. For reasons which are very mundane and not something I'd bore the folks here with, I don't at this time want to go down the prescription meds route (essentially, my country's mental healthcare system sucks and it's an absolute nightmare to deal with). I'm just wondering though, can anyone anecdotally describe how far one can push this in terms of consecutive days and frequency, before hitting any of the tolerance or rebound "walls"? Pseudoephedrine is a stimulant found in over-the-counter and prescription decongestants. I suggest you take a break from studying and fire up a hulu account. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose. Pharmacotherapy of adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: review of evidence-based practices and future directions. What have people found? Your message may be considered spam for the following reasons: JavaScript is disabled. Like other stimulants, pseudoephedrine may cause appetite loss in some people. Roy Fontenot, staff pharmacist at the Neighborhood Walmart on Highland Road, said while Adderall and other ADHD medications target certain receptors in the brain that increase concentration, pseudoephedrine targets different receptors, and the body reacts to it … I usually just manage by allowing for lots of breaks. Your reply has occurred very quickly after a previous reply and likely does not add anything to the thread. This is why the Sudafed trick works - although, unfortunately, it's also a stimulant, so it has other side effects including a faster heart beat, and the jitters. I have been taking it for 3 days now and have noticed I … Significantly more effective as a decongestant than phenylephrine. The most severe forms of ADHD often benefit from using prescription medication. Since I made the connection to my past productivity and my past pseudoephedrine use, I have found that self-medicating with pseudoephedrine HCL at the recommended nasal decongestant dosing schedule causes me to have some of the most productive days in living memory, but I'm also aware that many talk of pseudo as a medication with a very unpleasant crash and tolerance effect if one stays on it for too long. So far, I usually only do it one day a week (generally Thursday) and sometimes two, and those days tend to be days in which I can work on one thing for hours at a time without once even thinking to start looking at social media, Reddit, the news, etc. Your new thread title is very short, and likely is unhelpful. I definitely don't condone taking OTC meds like that for reasons other than that discussed by your doctor. 1 The drug is commonly found in combination medicines that contain other active ingredients like acetaminophen (Tylenol), antihistamines, decongestants (such as pseudoephedrine), or guaifenesin (an expectorant). Expert … I am also ADHD and studying for Step 2 CK. Consumer Reports explains why using ADHD meds … tl;dr, self medicating with an over-the-counter amphetamine called pseudoephedrine, which is primarily a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and secondarily a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, having incredible results and feel like my old, ambitious self for the first time in many years, and wondering how many days in a row one can use this as a stimulant without building a tolerance or experiencing too unpleasant a crash and withdrawal afterwards. Looking for OTC stimulants we can go for propylhexedrine, great high, just headaches, and blood pressure rising as side effects we need to beware of. this issue was dealt with thoroughly in an episode of glee about two weeks ago (episode 6, i believe). 7.4 Amphetamine and Methamphetamine. If any drug was going to fit with the American psyche in relation to entrepreneurship and hard work then these … For those who have used pseudoephedrine (strong Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and weak Dopamine reuptake inhibitor) as a stimulant, how often can one take it without crashing too hard afterwards, or building a tolerance. I actually open one of the chapters in my book about Adult ADHD with an anedcote. MAMP is a highly addictive central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that produces a euphoric high followed by restlessness, agitation, dysphoria, paranoia and in extreme cases, psychosis. That doesn't mean it's risk free. I am also ADHD and studying for Step 2 CK. 1,3-DMAA is thought to have stimulant effects similar to decongestants such as pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, and others. I wouldn't be surprised if pseudoephedrine did have some ADHD benefit. There are many instances online of folks with ADHD self-medicating with pseudoephedrine, generally when they've run out of their script meds and are away from home or about to travel, so need a short term solution before they can get another script. This substance is a cough suppressant found in a number of over-the-counter medicines such as Robitussin. Methamphetamine (MAMP) is a drug of abuse in the United States that is detected by urine drug testing (1). The FDA says that pseudoephedrine is safe when taken as directed. It involves the use of two stimulants, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which work together to affect chemicals in the brain that calm hyperactivity and improve impulse control. You are using an out of date browser. Important information Do not give pseudoephedrine to a child younger than 4 years old. I broke down and tried it. Pseudoephedrine is sometimes abused, or used for non-medical purposes, because of its stimulant effects - it can give an excitable, hyperactive feeling and increase heart rate and blood pressure. Upsides. It began with Sudafed, which contains the drug pseudoephedrine. That’s an interesting question. The symptoms of ADHD include: Dextroamphetamine and amphetamine (brand name: Adderall) and dextroamphetamin… Breaks from treatment also help to prevent a slowdown in growth that sometimes happens when children take this medicine for a long time. Some promoters say that it is a safer alternative to ephedrine. The FDA defines pseudoephedrine as an OTC drug in accordance with the monograph and FDA regulations. Indeed, millions of people use it each year without any dire consequences. There was a time when pseudoephedrine was as regular to me as a multivitamin, and it was only after the sinus issues went away in my early twenties that I realised that my concentration, motivation and ability to actually finish a project are practically non-existent - I chalked this up to a couple of life changes and issues which hit me around then, and only very recently discovered pseudoephedrine's membership of the amphetamine class - and thus began to realise the correlation between my productive years, and the slide into ADHD once I stopped using the stuff. It is sold primarily as a cold and sinus medication due to its ability to relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Your reply is very long and likely does not add anything to the thread. I understand that people who are on adderall or ritalin can take it daily for a long period without breaks, but I also know at least anecdotally that this does cause tolerance and withdrawal issues, and that a lot of people have to increase their dosage over time on doctor's orders because of this. I'm also wondering how many days off one should take between cycles of this stuff to avoid tolerance and diminishing returns - in other words, for instance, if I do it a few days in a row this weekend would I be advised to stay away from it for the entirety of next week? It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you've watched Breaking Bad you know very well that pseudoephedrine can be chemically modified to produce methamphetamine, aka crystal meth, which is why Sudafed was taken off pharmacy shelves in 2006 (1). The latest research shows that ADD and ADHD can be helped by pumping more norepinephrine into the brain. Over the years, there have been reports of heart attacks, strokes, disturbed heart rhythms, and other cardiovascular problems linked with use of pseudoephedrine. Now, the term ADHD includes ADD. David E. Mandelbaum, in Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology (Sixth Edition), 2017 Dextroamphetamine. A lot of threads about it, people will say "there's a heavier withdrawal price to pay from pseudo than other amphetamines, go for adderall (or another stim) instead", but as pseudo is currently my only option, I'd like to know often to do it, and how long a break to take in between doing it, without either losing the effect or screwing up my already shabby baseline. ADHD and attention deficit disorder (ADD) used to be considered separate conditions. I have many symptoms of ADHD which I only came to realise in adulthood were treated - and therefore went unnoticed - during my teenage years due to recurrent sinusitis which involved very regular seasonal medicating with pseudoephedrine to treat. Other medications which work on the adrenergic system such as clonidine and Venlafaxine have some ADHD benefit. I suggest you take a break from studying and fire up a Hulu account. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition which occurs in childhood and adolescence, although it can last into adulthood, and even be initially diagnosed in adulthood. Pseudoephedrine is just like ephedrine, but with the shitty factor in it. In addition, there is a risk of over-stimulation when using the combination together. Wellbutrin is not an FDA-approved ADHD medication, but rather an antidepressant sometimes used off label to treat ADHD symptoms including hyperactivity and distractibility in people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Tcheremissine OV, Salazar JO. I was being fascitious about actually taking it to study...Sorry, sometimes tone doesn't come across on posts. Tablets, chewable tablets, liquid and nasal preparations of pseudoephedrine effectively treat nasal and sinus congestion; however, the sale of cold and flu products containing pseudoephedrine is limited to behind the counter because pseudoephedrine may be used for the illicit production of methamphetamine. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. An Adult ADHD diagnosis can be hard as many Dr's work on the basis that ADHD is something that 'goes away' in adult hood. Nicolas Rasmussen's “On Speed—The Many Lives of Amphetamine” (2008) is an excellent history of the drug first synthesized and discovered in California by Gordon Alles. And when I took the Sudafed this morning and sat down to study, I noticed that I my change in concentration/thinking etc was the same if not better than when I have had to take Ritalin or Concerta (actually, this has worked way better and I don't get a bad headache). I have a bad cold and had to get the "real" Sudafed to help with my sinuses and my symptoms. Internal hemorrhoids may also protrude outside the anus, where they appear as small, grape-lik… Your reply is very short and likely does not add anything to the thread. Iain Smith, in International Review of Neurobiology, 2015. Pharmacology. The drug has a low risk of dependence, however, and withdrawal symptoms are unlikely to develop after stopping the drug. This is a very good question. Pseudoephedrine has had a controversial history in sports, as some athletes have used it as a performance-enhanci… Its a sympathomimetic. During treatment for ADHD, your doctor may stop your treatment every so often (e.g. Hence, many states' ban on selling more than a certain # pills to any one person within a specified period of time - and that's why some states have taken it off the OTC shelves and put it behind the pharmacists' counter. Anecdotally, people who use pseudoephedrine often talk about there being a much higher price to pay than with other amphetamines in terms of the crash and withdrawal, possibly because of the stronger norepinephrine effect and the depletion that follows. I originally supported this (lobbied my state legislator on the issue), but it just meant that all of the meth in town is now imported from Mexico... ...but less explosions and burning buildings! ADHD Medication and Treatment Reviews Wellbutrin: ADHD Medication Review. over weekends or school holidays) to see whether it is still needed. Wearing Many Hats as a Research Clinician-Scientist: Why and How, Texas A&M College of Medicine, College Station, TX,,,, ADHD (again) but this time re: "presents way differently in women". Abuse of this drug quickly escalated in the 1980s, following the adoption by clandestine laboratories of simplified synthetic methods, making the drug inexpensive and readily available (2). Too many students are turning to Adderall and other ADHD drugs to gain an edge in the classroom. And then there's the fact that one of the favorite methods for making Methamphetamine is cooking it from pseudoephedrine. With that in mind, lately I've been choosing a day or two per week in which I'll go for it, and schedule things I very much want to focus on and complete for those days. Below we will examine the dangers, side effects and the true long term cost of common prescription stimulant ADHD drug abuse. The amphetamine-class of ADHD medications includes Adderall (75% dextroamphetamine salts and 25% levoamphetamine salts), Dextroamphetamine, and Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine). Hemorrhoids are swollen veins near the anus. There are two types: internal and external. I was desperate for relief since the head congestion was unbearable. If we think that ephedrine isn’t great to start with, we easily realize what we have with pseudoephedrine, a lame high. Many things now make sense which didn't before. That being said, I currently have an upper respiratory infection and my friend suggested Sudafed Triple Action (with pseudoephedrine). This issue was dealt with thoroughly in an episode of Glee about two weeks ago (episode 6, I believe). It's going exceptionally well. You can have either type by itself, or both at the same time. Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. That brings us back to pseudoephedrine, and retail pharmacists often receive questions about its use in patients with high blood pressure. Pseudoephedrine Hcl may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Just thought this was an interesting SE of my cold medicine. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Levomethamphetamine crosses the blood-brain-barrier and acts as a TAAR1 agonist, functioning as a selective norepinephrine releasing agent (with few or no effects on the release of dopamine), so it affects the central nervous system, although its effects are qualitatively distinct relative to those of dextromethamphetamine. However, they may cause intermittent bleeding, usually with bowel movements, and sometimes discharge mucus. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! 2. Would it be bad if I just took it everyday until my test next week? The effect is incredible, and I don't want to fuck it up by either becoming immune to it through tolerance or taking it for so many consecutive days, that the days following are horrendous. This exact question was asked to me by a woman while I was working in the pharmacy a few months ago. Your message is mostly quotes or spoilers. I'm in a position now in which I'll be completely alone for most of the next four days and I have a pile of stuff I'd like to accomplish, so I'm tentatively considering going for the full 60mg / 4 times daily for at least today and tomorrow, and possibly going on into Sunday and Monday depending on how things are going. Both Adderall (via its effects on norepinephrine) and pseudoephedrine can increase blood pressure as well as increase heart rate. Pseudoephedrine Hcl is used to treat nasal and sinus congestion, or congestion of the tubes that drain fluid from your inner ears, called the eustachian (yoo-STAY-shun) tubes. Internal hemorrhoids form inside the anal canal and are often painless. And when I did a google search, it appears that others have noticed this effect too (not too surprising I guess since it's a stimulant). I know it works for me and it does absolute wonders, but every threads I've found about it talks about how it isn't sustainable as a stimulant and both a nasty plateau and subsequently a nasty withdrawal if you use it for too long. Otherwise known as “smart drugs” in some circles, these meds are typically amphetamines or methylphenidate. 20. And I generally don't actually take any medications for my ADHD, even the ones I have. A cold and sinus pressure canal and are often painless that one of favorite! Shows pseudoephedrine adhd reddit add and ADHD can be helped by pumping more norepinephrine into the brain part of an community... The pharmacy a few months ago Smith, in International Review of evidence-based practices and future directions loss! Occurred very quickly after a previous reply and likely does not add anything to the thread was being about. Woman while i was being fascitious about actually taking it to study... Sorry sometimes! 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