But first, the weather. In general, three or four baths per year are enough. If your german shepherd is stressed then they may end up shedding fur at a higher rate. According to dog experts, German Shepherds score out of 5 in the scale of breeds that are considered the less shedding dog breeds. To sum it up, we’ve put together a list of qualities German shepherds have which can help you determine if that’s the right breed for you! If you are looking for German Shepherd shedding tips or want to know how to deshed your German Shepherd, read on. Choose a silent place for grooming. It can be hard to see the correlation between german shepherds shedding and water. Fortunately, there are various things you can do in order to reduce the shedding. However, you do need to brush them regularly. 9 Ways to Reduce German Shepherd Shedding Get … How can I groom German shepherd? Everything starts with hygiene. Even though dogs don’t have the same nutritive needs we do, they can still benefit from healthy food – just like us. November 3rd, 2016 Filed under: German Shepherd. ​Like most tools they'll rust if left wet, make sure to dry off if using on a wet dog. ​Extra long comb for removing deep mats and debris. While the new hair is growing out, the old one is on the point of shedding. It's also worth noting that you cannot take a dog with fleas to a dog groomer. They will send you home, but there's also the possibility it spreads to other dogs. Basically, blowing coat is a seasonal molting of all that dead winter (or summer) under coat - and it all happens within just a few days, or weeks, of time, verses the traditional all year "normal" shedding. do you bathe, comb and brush and then blow dry? Along with awesome members-only discounts. They’re Stressed. Regular brushing is important for a double-coated dog like German Shepherds. There’s no German Shepherd that doesn‘t shed. As a result, dry skin leads to increased shedding and even sickness in severe cases. … Sure, it costs more, but it will help your German Shepherd in lots of different ways. This is the reason why they are sometimes called “German Shedders.” Their coat responds naturally to daylight so when days start to get shorter and winter is fast approaching, German Shepherds will shed their summer coat and grow a new winter coat. Peter; September 18, 2020; When do German Shepherds shed and stop shedding? Hence why the Cynology Hub gets dog shedding UNDER CONTROL! Today, however, these smart, obedient and courageous dogs are better known for working with law enforcement and spending time with family. At around four to six months of age, she will start to … During the shedding season, your German Shepherd will need to be brushed several times a week to keep the loose hair littering your home to a minimum. Dealing with German Shepherd’s Shedding. As you scroll down, you’ll discover why German shepherds shed this much and how to reduce and maintain it. Allergies can cause skin itching and that can lead to broken, damaged, dead hair that sheds out. In the spring, your German Shepherd will have their "blow out" shedding. All rights reserved. Just remember to consult your vet before and don’t do it overnight, but gradually. Is this the Top Shedder of all dogs? One of the most effective ways of reducing shedding is to provide a healthy diet. While not quite as powerful as your professional commercial-grade pet dryer, this is a really great personal dryer that can most certainly get the job done (and is quite a bit more affordable). 0 68 5 minutes read How bad is German shepherd shedding (images) If the fact that you are here reading about German shepherd shedding is not enough, then the images below may be proof enough that German shepherds can shed way more than you’d expect a dog to. I hope to give a contribution & help other customers like it’s aided me. Stress can be related to many different events: loud noises, overstimulation, unfamiliar places, introducing new pets or people into your home. – Allergies, parasites, pests. It also protects your dogs skin from moisture, abrasions, and harmful UV rays. A German Shepherd Shedding Solution That Works for You. Year-round shedding. See here what the elite GSD owners do about the most severe dog shedding. How much they shed daily will depend on the type of coat they have and the season of the year. I use a shedding brush on him and a slicker brush, but it's a never ending thing. We'll also use deshedding shampoos and treatments. German Shepherd : German Shepherd Shedding: How Much Shedding and How to Take Care, 9 Week Old German Shepherd: Weight and Size, Training, How to Train a German Shepherd to Attack: Owner Defense, Training Age and Useful Advices, German Shepherd Hip Dysplasia: Treatment, Surgery and Prevention, 6 Week Old German Shepherd: Size and Weight, Bite Inhibition, German Shepherd. Some owners mistakenly believe that shaving their dog will not only help them feel more comfortable in heat, but will also help with shedding and human allergies. To reduce German Shepherd shedding, brush your dog daily, bathe 3-4 times a year, change his food to one that targets a healthy coat and skin, make sure he is always hydrated, and control parasites. The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds for many reasons. If you are the proud owner of a German Shepherd, then you should know by now that their furry coat tends to get everywhere sooner or later. Sorry to disappoint those who are asking. Nothing wrong with being on the safe side! They don’t stop shedding. Yes, German Shepherds shed throughout the year. Shedding can’t be stopped, but it can be reduced with regular brushing and a high-quality diet. Double-coated breeds use their coat to regulate their body temperature as it keeps them warm in the winter, but also cool in the summer. German shepherds fit into the latter category, so they are known to shed quite a lot. Finally, make sure you know what dogs can eat and what’s bad for them, especially if you’re feeding raw food. Think of a Leaf-blower designed to blow dog hair out. I’ve updated this article to include some of my favorite brushes and dryers . Your German Shepherd will shed in the late fall when the days get shorter. German Shepherd Shedding Season The topcoat will shed all year long while the undercoat sheds twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. I was amazed by the high velocity dryer. Grooming tips for the German Shepherd: Grooming must be started at an earlier age. However, if you don’t want your dog to shed much, this breed might not be right for you. For instance, you should feed your dog a healthy and balanced diet, give a couple of baths per year and brush your dog regularly. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Also, dogs absolutely love the feeling! i already have a german shepherd and now i’m use to brushing him his name is yankee. A dull coat, flaky skin, and excessive shedding can be be the result of being omega 3 and 6 deficient. You can go for flea shampoos or other pesticides that are readily available in pet stores. So, what’s the case with German Shepherds? Brush Them Daily . German Shepherds shed all year long, which has earned them the nickname “German shedders”. These are the shorter hair that help them keep cool during the summer season. ​But we can take it one step further by ​applying deshedding shampoos and conditioners that slick hair down and allow for easier removal. ​Uses all natural and safe ingredients, no weird deShedding chemicals. There’s no way to stop the excessive amount of German Shepherd shedding, but there are ways to make it easier. You might want to consider getting another breed! The coat’s purpose is to defend the dog from disease, infection and injury. Some great choices are flaxseed, fish, or olive oil. Like with most breeds of dogs, specific products can be found that will be generally used for German Shepherds. This is called "blowing out" their coat, and it happens every Spring season. They are even jokingly referred to as “German Shedders” because of … This usually leaves your dog shed-free for at least a few weeks. Because of their double coat, German shepherds shed a lot – all year long. ​This particular one is amazing, and I have been using the same one for nearly 6 years. On these occasions, you need not worry about your German shepherd hair … Introduction. However, ’tis true when they say that German Shepherd puppies are prolific shedders! You can get a good starter dryer off of Amazon (I like the Shelandy 3.2hp), another place to look is local specialty shops that sell grooming supplies (although those might be harder to find). my 9 month old shepherd is shedding out of control. Dog sitting is a great job, especially when you click with the dog immediately. Also, some allergy sufferers believe shaving your dog will reduce allergic reactions. German Shepherd Shedding: How Much Shedding and How to Take Care. It's a very simple tool that massively reduces shedding, and is much more effective than your typical brush. ​If you want one for yourself - Check out which dryer I recommend you try out. I mentioned that reason earlier by indicating that it serves as insulation both in the cold and warmer seasons. Oct 3, 2017 - German Shepherd shedding can be such a NUISANCE. Both German Shepherds and Poodles originated as working breeds in Germany. We purchased the rake, comb and dryer. So, if you notice any of the signs below it’s time to take you shepherd to the vet. Get out the broom and vacuum for these breeds, they are known to shed a lot. By blowing out your dog's coat you'll release a shocking amount of loose hair, and you can live a shed-free life for weeks afterwards. German Shepherd Shedding. ​These break down over time, and comb needles will bend. Our insiders-pack is where we share exclusive tips from our expert groomers, trainers, and other dog lovers. Nevertheless, they will all shed their undercoats twice a year during the shedding season. If you have a German Shepherd, you can’t neglect brushing. When you use it please do leave a reply and give me a review how it is so i can think about it as well. Oh. Introduction. This means they shed all year around. Can be aggressive if not trained properly. It comes in a variety of sizes from extra small to giant so it suits well for all kinds of dogs with long or short hair. (100+ foods covered). Click here to see the exact brushes and tools I use for this process. Thankfully, I've dealt with my fair share of shedding (owning heavy shedders and being a dog groomer), so I have a few tips to help you get control of your home again. Although there’s no way to stop your German Shepherd from shedding completely, there are ways to reduce the effects. If this all sounds like a lot of work, there's a great selection of non shedding dogs out there as well! And let’s face it, who wouldn’t want such an intelligent, courageous, and loyal canine companion! Find out everything you need to know about German Shepherd shedding, including how long it lasts, how bad is it, and know what you can do to keep it under control. So that beautiful, silky coat will be gone forever. The problem: Our house has been covered in dog hair. Besides, if you don’t notice any of these signs, but still consider the shedding to be a bit too heavy, take your dog to the vet and check it out. ​Moisturizes with omega oils, helps with dry skin and dander. Cheap and super effective​. Not to mention it'll save you from making constant trips to your groomer. I love him, but, it’s REALLY bad, in 24 hours my hardwoods are covered again, I have cancer and physically can’t handle it anymore- My gorgeous purebred needs a home, he deserves walks I can’t give. There are a couple of reasons behind dog shedding, which are quite logical and self explanatory. So if you’re thinking about getting a German Shepherd you’re probably asking yourself the following question: If you’re looking to buy a dog that doesn’t shed much, this is definitely not a breed for you. So, here’s why this breed tend to shed so much: Now that you can understand why it’s happening, you may ask yourself what the point is. You can’t avoid your GSD “blowing his coat” twice a year, but all these methods will help to reduce shedding. Why do German Shepherds Shed? Grooming of your dog is somehow a lengthy and challenging process but if you are a dog lover, I am sure instead of trimming or hair cutting off your dog you will choose to groom your dogs. But, be it normal conditions or shedding time – always remember to groom/brush your German Shepherd outdoors. During this time, your German Shepherd will be shedding out the puppy coat in stages as the adult coat grows in. A poor diet can also cause a German Shepherd to start shedding. ​Finally, their diet ​can be a huge culprit when it comes to excessive shedding. 2) when grooming with a bath, do you brush and comb them first and then bathe and blow dry? This shed-fest happens in fall, so a new thick winter coat can grow, and again in spring, when the undercoat is released for the warmer season. German shepherds are known for shedding a lot, and some individuals shed more than others. Most of the images with piles of hair shed were likely taken when the shepherd was blowing off his coat. And yes, they do shed – a LOT. German Shepherds are a high shedding breed. By now, you’ve probably figured it out – German shepherds shed a lot! For tips on how to clean up dog hair, read these great tips. When your Shepherd was born they began life with a thick, fluffy coat to keep them warm and protected. Easily save as a PDF or print. You’d be surprised at just how much an impact diet has on your German Shepherd’s coat quality. A normal de-shedding or de-matting brush might not be effective enough to get rid of your German Shepherd’s undercoat tangles. Brush Your Dog Regularly. Several things can worsen shedding, including stress, poor diet, dehydration, skin irritation from fleas or household products and certain medical problems. A healthy diet doesn’t only lead to reduced shedding, but also helps with dry skin and improves the overall immune system. There is a primary reason the German Shepherd has a double coat. By now, perhaps your entire residence is full of their fuzzy coat to some extent. During this time, your German Shepherd will be shedding out the puppy coat in stages as the adult coat grows in. Naturally, one of the things you want to know is how much this breed sheds! How to Control German Shepherd Shedding. However, this breed has a lot of great qualities you can ask for – loyalty, intelligence and strength. My truck has been filled with dog hair. German Shepherds are active, courageous, and excel in almost all activities. Even though this can’t be eliminated, or even reduced to a low level, there are still some things you can do in order to minimize the shedding. But before you continue reading, check out the video below and find out the basic information about this beautiful breed! Improper nutrition can lead to unusual shedding. This usually occurs in the spring and again in the fall. Unfortunately, many of them would be bad for people with allergies. ​. The Furminator will be a lot of help in controlling the crazy shedding that German shepherds undergo. It has a double layer of teeth to reach the guard hairs as well as the undercoat and will remove the excess fur from both layers. Do German Shepherds Shed A Lot? Are you thinking about getting a German Shepherd and you want to get as much information... 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule – Shots Your Puppy Needs. Aleeza Hopkins Send an email February 22, 2020. Similarly, as the days get longer your dog will no longer find a need for all that coat. German Shepherd Shedding – What to Expect. This is the reason why you shouldn’t shave your German shepherd. Are you thinking about getting a German Shepherd and you want to get as much information as possible? German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) are large working dogs that were originally developed in Germany to herd sheep. I had a German Shepherd and he shed all year round and heaps in late fall and early summer. I bought the rake but she does not like it. Shedding is one of many biological processes that occur inside a dogs body, and in this case it goes throughout the year. Today we will discuss how to reduce shedding in German shepherds. However, you can reduce it by trying some of these things: Unhealthy and/or cheap dog food is one of the main reasons behind heavy shedding. Almost all dogs shed their coats to some extent. Buy your Furminator from Amazon here. Changing, or improving, your dog’s diet is one of the most effective ways toward reduced shedding. Sure, the weather plays a part of how much, but the shedding never really ends. German shepherds, however, grow hair all year long. Your dog's coat naturally responds to daylight - so as the days get shorter and winter approaches your dog will naturally begin to grow in their winter coat. Thank you soo much for your tips I’m gonna order the undercoat rake and see how it works. While German Shepherds were bred to herd sheep, Poodles were used to help hunt waterfowl. Quick note: You might notice an increase in shedding for 24 hours after use. The first is the “regular” shedding they do throughout most of the year, which can still be quite high. Again, this process helps remove a lot of loose and dead hair, along with keeping their coat smelling great.​. Finally, you can feed your dog tuna, salmon or some other fish. While your dog will never completely stop shedding there are things you can do to reduce it. As a hypoallergenic German Shepherd mix, Shepadoodles were bred to have the intelligence of their parent breeds and the non-shedding coat of the Poodle. Grooming tips for the German Shepherd: Grooming must be started at an earlier age. Puppy Coat Shedding. – Improper diet. ​​Blows out coat and leaves your dog shed free for up to 3 weeks. If you are the proud owner of a German Shepherd, then you should know by now that their furry coat tends to get everywhere sooner or later. By removing their natural barrier you're exposing them to many potential health problems. In fact, shaving them will make it worse, as you expose their skin even further. Always relay any questions you have regarding your pet’s medical condition to your veterinarian, local animal hospital or other qualified veterinary provider. And as a final warning, once you shave a double-coated dog, their hair never grows back the same. German Shepherds should be brushed 3-4 times every week. This will help your interior hair and dander free and give your pooch a chance to … How To Manage German Shepherd Shedding Diet. When your dog gets fleas for the first time, your first instinct might be looking for... Dog Nail Grinding – Is It Safe And How To Do It Properly? I handle German Shepherds daily and I've heard all the shedding stories. While normal shedding and hair loss is expected, excessive hair fall may indicate an underlying problem that needs vet treatment. German Shepherd Dogs are a double coated breed with a top coat and an undercoat. High quality foods contain a balance of Protein and Essential Fatty Acids that promote stronger hair follicles and skin elasticity - which keeps the coat healthy and reduces shedding. Fruit, vegetables and lean meat can be really healthy for dogs and their skin, in moderate amounts of course. Terms and Privacy. so brushing her out with the furminator, and vacuuming everyday is well worth all her Love, and Protection.. Hi Shayla, we have a 2.5 year old female GSD who we love dearly, even with all her shedding. Sometimes they can make your dog shed so much he or she loses entire patches of hair. Almost all dogs shed their coats to some extent. And there are basically two different types of shedding you are up against as a German Shepherd owner. Excessive shedding may be the symptom of something deeper, and your dog may be suffering from physical pain for disease, even if it's not immediately apparent. I’ve had German Shepherds for 20 years, and thought that I knew all of the best tools for removing loose coat. Most of the images with piles of hair shed were likely taken when the shepherd was blowing off his coat. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Allergies can cause inflamed and itchy skin, which leads to scratching and more shedding. My sister has been telling me about how she wants to get a puppy soon. It's perfect for clearing out ​the deeper parts of their coat (around their butt, neck, and mane), [amazon fields=”B00I2Y1CNU” value=”thumb” image_size=”large” tracking_id=”german-shepherd-shedding-20″ image_class=”ais300″]. The Dog Breed Info website provides a list of German Shepherd mixes. Thanks in advance. ​As a groomer I use a few different techniques for deshedding your dog: The best bang for your buck is the amazing Undercoat Rake - it's simply a soft-pinned comb that effectively loosens up all that undercoat hair (hence the name). When you’re brushing, use a rake appropriate for the length of your dog’s coat. The reason behind it are omega-3 fatty acids contained in oil. Spring and summer shedding is also within the norm among German Shepherds. Allergies can cause skin itching and that can lead to broken, damaged, dead hair that sheds out. Is there a way to get it a little under control? Read more, ​Coastal Pet - Safari Longtooth Undercoat Rake. The top coat. Caroline Jones. – all year long their natural barrier you 're losing your hair they say that Shepherds... Most effective ways to keep them healthy dander, which leads to scratching and more shedding and easily trained a... Neglect your dog ’ s coat quality furthermore, up to 30 % your. 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