Coburn's drive for accountability made jim willing to sometimes take on GOP colleagues and donors over his relentless crusade against pork-barrel spending… These earmarks correspond to 482 earmarks costing $541,653,000 in FY 2010. This information is no longer available, and earmarks are now found throughout the appropriations bills, increasing the amount of effort necessary for identification, and making it more difficult to eliminate them through floor amendments. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). Between FYs 2008 and 2010, when transparency rules required each earmark to contain the name of the legislator who requested it and the recipient’s name, city, and state, members of Congress went whole hog for SAT earmarks. The NCACA provides funding for large arts and cultural institutions in Washington, D.C. As has been noted previously, the lack of transparency regarding this earmark is troubling, given that former members of Congress received prison sentences relating to misuse of earmarks. $53,609,000 for Rural Hospital Flexibility Grants (Flex), the same amount provided in FY 2019. On March 18, 2019 the service announced a plan to purchase 80 F-15Xs, an upgraded version of the F-15C/D, over the next five years. Since FY 2000, members of Congress have added 20 earmarks costing $62.9 million for fish passage and fish screens. The usage originated in American English. Intended to promote better relations with Pacific and Asian nations, the center was established by Congress in 1960 with no congressional hearings and over the State Department’s opposition. Long live pork! It is in this climate that Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) releases the 2020 Congressional Pig Book, which demonstrates that legislators continue to pack the 12 spending bills that fund the federal government with pork. Former President Obama’s FY 2013 version of Cuts, Consolidations, and Savings proposed the elimination of the High Energy Cost Program, noting that low-interest electric loans are available through the RUS to residents of the areas served by the High Energy Cost Program, which include Alaska, Hawaii, several communities in certain other states, and U.S. territories. The current national debt of $26.5 trillion is going to grow at a record pace over the next decade. A May 2018 House Armed Services Committee (HASC) report revealed that the Navy’s JSF, the F-35C, may lack sufficient range to function adequately in a future war. The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) was established by Congress in FY 2000 to “reverse the declines of Pacific salmon and steelhead, supporting conservation efforts in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska.”, For the fourth consecutive year, President Trump’s FY 2021 Major Savings and Reforms recommended eliminating funding for the PCSRF. One estimate suggests that the pandemic will add $8 trillion to CBO’s FY 2030 projection, for a total of $44.2 trillion. In other words, the average dollar amount for the Corps of Engineers earmarks in FY 2020 was $43.3 million, while in FY 2010 the average was $1.1 million. Originally intended for Southern border states, members of Congress have used earmarks to expand HIDTA to other parts of the country. Talks of Americans getting $600 checks have started to circulate, but reports also discuss unwarranted spending and unlimited pork funds. He said that “over the past two decades, lawmakers have appropriated nearly $7.3 billion for medical research that was ‘totally unrelated’ to the military.”  In a response that explains why legislators continue to believe that they have the knowledge, privilege, and right to earmark billions of dollars for the DHP, Senate appropriator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) claimed that none of the secretaries of defense that he had known, despite being “talented individuals,” were qualified to decide whether any of this research is related to the military. Citizens Against Government Waste listed 274 pork-barrel projects in its report, down eight from last year. Title XI did not receive a budget request, meaning all of the funding was provided via earmark. Since FY 2001, there have been 74 earmarks costing taxpayers $987.1 million for the National Guard Counter-Drug Program. The eight earmarks in FY 2020 constitute a 33.3 percent increase from the six earmarks in FY 2019. $109,614,000 for other federal drug control programs at ONDCP, the most ever, and a 2.9 percent increase from the $106.5 million earmarked in FY 2019. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) and Wally Herger (R-Calif.). The recommendation would save $535 million. President Trump’s FY 2021 Major Savings and Reforms recommended eliminating funding for the NDPC because it is duplicative of other programs and belongs in the purview of state and local governments. In 2010, the city of Hartselle, Alabama, with a population of just about 14,000 residents, was awarded $250,000 by the federal government to make a citywide Wi-Fi network The amount provided in FY 2020 is a 183.1 percent increase over the $5.9 million earmarked in FY 2017, and tied for the largest earmark ever for the center. Congress allocated $130,000,000 for species assessment, mitigation and reductions. As a result, airport managers ration gate access through long-term contracts with established companies, creating a barrier to entry for potential competitors. This amount was scoffed at in many circles, including social media, which gave rise to the meme:  "We need ventilators! Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1. The total earmarked in FY 2020 constitutes 58.9 percent of the $43.8 million that legislators have added for this program since FY 1992. As in previous years, all items in the Congressional Pig Book meet at least one of CAGW’s seven criteria, but most satisfy at least two: While members of Congress have long used the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to feed at the trough, their appetite was reduced in FY 2020.